Plaza Building, Health Center closed due to a water main break.

Welcome the the Field Education Journey

Welcome to the exciting journey of field education! Every social work student will engage in field education as a part of their social work degree program. The MSU Denver Social Work Office of Field Education is here to support undergraduate and graduate students every step of the way as they complete their field placement (internship) with an approved community agency.

Please note that the Office of Field Education will communicate regularly from [email protected] as well as from [email protected]. These messages will be sent to your MSU Denver student email address, the official means of communication from both university and our office.

Make sure that you check your MSU Denver email often, starting in January and continuing throughout the summer, as you prepare for your internship to start in the fall semester. We will send information about deadlines and details to keep you up to date in your internship search process.

Internship Search Process

Field Information Session 

All students begin the process of securing an internship by attending a Field Information Session. Students will receive email communications to their MSU Denver student email address from the Office of Field Education with details about Field Information Session dates and times. Information Sessions generally start early in the spring semester before you are scheduled to begin your fall-start internship.


Internship Search Process Timelines

FIELD INFORMATION SESSION – Students attend a mandatory information session to become familiar with and ask questions about the search process. These are held the spring before your fall-start internship.

APPLICATION – (in Sonia database) – Students complete a Field Application form in the Sonia Field Database where they list both the skills and knowledge they hope to acquire in their internship, as well as populations, settings, and social issues in which they wish to gain more experience. Students have the option of requesting specific agency placements. The Sonia Guide for Students offers guidance to complete this process.

PLACEMENT MEETINGS* – Students will sign up in Sonia for one-on-one meetings with their designated Placement Navigator, a member of our Field Team. Students will meet with their Placement Navigator to discuss internship options and to be referred to up to five agencies to which they will apply. *Optional for MSW Concentration students

PREPARE & CONTACT – Once students are referred to agencies, agency contact information will be sent to students at their MSU Denver email. Students update their resumé and craft cover letters, then make contact with approved agencies to request internship interviews.

INTERVIEW & EVALUATE – Students interview at assigned agency sites so that both the agency and student can mutually determine if a placement is a good fit.

CONFIRMATION – Once students have been offered and accepted an internship in the Sonia Field Database, students must complete the Field Confirmation Form in Sonia to finalize the placement.

STUDENT FIELD ORIENTATION – Students will participate in a mandatory student field orientation course through the Canvas platform. Details are sent to students’ MSU Denver email address shortly before the start of the fall semester.

Students in Field

Students are required to complete a minimum number of hours in their agency setting during the academic year. The accompanying field seminar course (offered face-to-face, online, and in hybrid formats) meets every other week throughout the course of the two semesters of Field Experience. The seminar course is taught by a Faculty Field Liaison and provides a forum for students to critically reflect on their internship experiences in an environment designed to promote professional development.

Student Hours Requirements

In order to meet learning objectives and meet program requirements, students are required to complete the following number of hours over the course of their two-semester internship.

BSSW and MSW Foundation Hours Requirement

Total number of hours for the year: 400

Total number of hours for the semester: 200

Total number of hours for the week: 13 to 14

MSW Concentration Hours Requirement

Total number of hours for the year: 500

Total number of hours for the semester: 250

Total number of hours for the week: 16 to 17

Learning Agreement

Students will complete a Learning Agreement in the Sonia Database System within the first few weeks of class of each semester. The purpose of the Learning Agreement is to create a roadmap of your learning for the year and to ensure students will be engaging with the CSWE 9 Social Work Competencies.

Instructions for completing the Learning Agreement are found in the Sonia Guide for Students.

Field Evaluation

Students and their agency supervisors complete a Field Evaluation in our Sonia Database System toward the end of each semester to evaluate the student’s demonstrated performance and learning throughout the semester. Evaluations are designed to allow both students and supervisors to give honest and constructive feedback.

Instructions for completing the Field Evaluation are found in the Sonia Guide for Students.

Student Resources