Welcome from the Department Chair

Welcome to the Department of Social Work at MSU Denver

Thank you for visiting and considering our programs. As the Department Chair, I welcome you to further explore a career in social work. Having a degree in social work will provide you valuable training and one of the most versatile degrees you can get when you consider the vast array of settings you can work in. For example, social workers are hired to improve the lives of individuals and families across the lifespan. Social workers can be found in behavioral and mental health, health care, human services, school based, and public policy settings to name just a few, there are so many more.

First, I encourage you to reflect on when you first saw a social worker in yourself. Perhaps recently or many years ago… What is your story? Should you decide to pursue a career as a social worker, that passion and drive that brought you to us will serve you and your future clients and communities well.  Perhaps you will focus your work on improving the lives of individuals and families who are vulnerable because of their struggles related to behavioral health, health and/or social circumstances. For many of you, your journey may involve taking on large social justice issues, with the hope of supporting people in empowering ways. We know you haven’t come empty handed on this professional journey, nor have you come alone.

Our Department Mission is to provide an inclusive, inspiring environment for undergraduate, graduate, and community education in social work that is value driven, research informed, culturally responsive, academically rigorous, and which links theory with practice.

In our department you will learn from some of the most exceptional dedicated social workers and social work researchers. We are dedicated to student success which includes encouraging you to achieve your highest potential in our program which will lead to excellence as you enter into your own social work practice.

Take a peek at the range of lenses and expertise that can be gained along this educational journey. Will it be a minor? A major? An affordable and high quality Master’s degree? With stellar advisors in our Office of Social Work Student Services, Operations and Finance and community connections to be made through our Office of Field Education, we’re at the ready to help you consider this specific journey; let’s start packing.

During your time here you will gain knowledge about foundational theories that guide social work practice, you will learn how to use research and evidence to better serve your clients, and you will have the opportunity to practice and hone new skills.  YOU will begin to develop YOUR unique professional identity as a social worker. In addition to the knowledge and tools you gain in our programs, much of the passion and unique qualities of your story will serve you well and make you an effective social work practitioner.

What’s on the next page of your story?

Jessica Retrum, Ph.D., MSSW

Chair and Associate Professor

Program Assessment

The Department of Social Work at MSU Denver values the assessment process as it leads to instrumental data that informs program improvement on multiple levels. Our assessment methods have improved over the years, and our most recent improvement involves the sharing of assessment data with our stakeholders (students, field instructors, and other community partners). We invite you to view our recent assessment findings.

Contact Us

The Department of Social Work is here to support you on your journey!

Have a question or comment for us? Please fill out the form linked below and a member of our team will reply via email in 2-3 business days.

Contact Form

Office Location:
Central Classroom Building, Suite 201

Campus Maps and Parking

Welcome Desk Phone:

[email protected]

Mailing Address:

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Social Work
PO Box 173362 CB 70
Denver, CO 80217-3362