Assessment Process

1. Identify key assignments, 2. Assign and Collect student work, 3. Assess key assignment(s), 4. Report Findings, 5. Data Analysis and Sharing, 6. Discussion and Reflection

Please note, the following steps are for Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Science, and Natural and Physical Science categories.  The remaining categories may use a different method due to the volume of students in those categories.  Rubrics for all categories can be found below.

Step 1:  Identify Key Assignment(s) that align with student learning outcomes in the General Studies category

  • All courses undergoing re-designation addressed this in their course proposal in Curriculog under #4 and attached an example in the files.
  • Training workshops will be available to help with this.

Step 2:  Assign and Collect Student Work

  • Faculty teach their course and scaffold the key assignment as they normally would, assign their key assignment to their students and wait for submissions to come in.
  • Both digital or hard copies will work.
  • Last time we collected key assignments/artifacts so that external assessors could rate the student work.  For this round, it’s okay for the professor teaching the course to rate the work.  This means artifacts do not need to be formally collected and given to anyone.  The faculty member just needs to have it long enough to apply the assessment rubric.  Remember, this process is for Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Science, and Natural and Physical Science categories only.  

Step 3:  Assess Key Assignments by applying the category rubric

  • Faculty will be asked to apply General Studies category rubrics to all students’ key assignment(s) in their course.
  • Rubrics were built for growth throughout the undergraduate experience, so we are expecting General Studies students will mostly get 1’s and 2’s (introductory and developing).  0’s are assigned in cases where no evidence is provided in the artifact by the student.
  • Training workshops will be available to help with this and to develop inter-rater reliability.

Step 4:  Report Findings to General Studies Program by handing in an Excel file or Word document

  • Add up how many students achieved a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 on the rubric and report these totals in the spreadsheet or document.
  • Add any comments you have.  You might reflect on anything related to the data collection.  Perhaps you have a comment about patterns you found with the students, reasons why students landed where they did, the ability of the assignment to be used against this rubric, or comments on the rubric are welcome.
  • Email this document to the Academic Effectiveness Data Manager, Bev Reimer:  [email protected].

Step 5:  Data Analysis and Sharing of Findings

  • The General Studies Program leads will aggregate and analyze the data.
  • Conclusions will be shared with faculty teaching in General Studies and reports will also be shared with leadership and accrediting bodies.

Step 6:  Discussion and Reflection on findings to enhance student learning in the General Studies Program

  • General Studies program leads will reach out to faculty teaching in the program to discuss findings and reflect on things that went well and areas that need more attention.

Contact the Director of General Studies


Email the Director of General Studies Dr. Todd Laugen:  [email protected]


Mailing Address: 
Metropolitan State University of Denver
General Studies Program
Campus Box 27
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362