The MSU Denver Roadrunner Symbol (the Symbol), in limited instances and with approval from University Communications and Marketing, may be displayed as a stand-alone graphic identifier. These instances typically include display on Athletics apparel and gear. Merchandise that merits a degree of informality may also potentially display the Symbol alone. Approval from University Communications and Marketing must first be obtained prior to its use.

The Roadrunner Symbol should not be displayed in lieu of the University logo on applications that require a degree of formality such as University stationery and legal documents. Additionally, the Symbol should not be displayed in lieu of the Monogram logo on applications where a less formal appearance is desired. Wherever practical, it is preferred to display the Monogram logo (which includes the “MSU Denver” logotype) over the stand-alone Roadrunner Symbol.

To avoid inadvertent tilting when used as a stand-alone graphic, the outermost left and right points of the Symbol are horizontally aligned to each other. This built-in feature ensures its level display.


MSU Roadrunner Symbol Sizing Example

Roadrunner Symbol Clear Zone

Once approval for display of the Roadrunner Symbol as a stand-alone graphic identifier is obtained from University Communications and Marketing, the guidelines stated here will help ensure its integrity.

To avoid crowding our Roadrunner Symbol with other imagery – such as text, photography, illustrations, color breaks or rule lines – a “clear zone” is the minimum amount of space to remain free of other imagery. This minimum space requirement also applies to page trim and folds. The clear zone is proportional to the size of the Symbol, and its border is determined by measuring from the outer edges of the Symbol to the distances indicated in the diagrams below.

Adhering to clear-zone guidelines will best ensure legal protection of our Roadrunner Symbol by minimizing confusion as to its appearance.


MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Clear Zone

Roadrunner Symbol Minimum Size

Once approval for display of the Roadrunner Symbol as a stand-alone graphic identifier is obtained from University Communications and Marketing, the guidelines stated here will help ensure its integrity.

Shown below is the minimum approved size for our Roadrunner Symbol as measured by its width. The diagram below shows actual size at left, but then enlarged for viewing ease.

MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Minimum Sizing Example

The minimum size to be displayed is 1 half-inch (12.7mm, 36 pixels) as measured from the width of the Roadrunner Symbol.

Roadrunner Symbol Color Options

Once approval for display of the Roadrunner Symbol as a stand-alone graphic identifier is obtained from University Communications and Marketing, the guidelines stated here will help ensure its integrity. Our Roadrunner Symbol consists of specific hues of blue and red. Accurate reproduction of these colors, referred to as MSU Denver Blue and MSU Denver Red, is critical to maintaining a consistent brand image. See Brand Colors for their specific color formulas per media. When the Roadrunner Symbol is darker than the background color on which it is displayed, it is referred to as “positive.” When the Symbol is lighter than the background color on which it is displayed, it is referred to as “reverse.” Within these two categories, there are full-color and one-color options from which you may choose. The preference is to display the full-color version wherever practical. Often, only one color is permitted, or practical. In these instances, the preference is to display the one-color version that utilizes MSU Denver background colors. If this is not a practical option, then the one-color black on any light- to mid-value background (or white on any mid- to dark-value background) is approved. See Color Selection to determine the most appropriate Symbol color option for its intended display.


Approved Positive Color Options

Display on white or light- to mid-value backgrounds


Full Color – Preferred

  • MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Approved Positive Color Options - Full Color (Preferred)MSU Denver Blue
  • MSU Denver Red
  • White Silhouette behind Roadrunner symbol

Display on:

  • White
  • Any light-to-mid value background



One-Color – Preferred

  • MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Approved Positive Color Options - One Color (Preferred)MSU Denver Blue
  • White silhouette or Clear Behind Roadrunner Symbol

Display on:

  • White
  • Any light-to-mid value background



One-Color – Approved

  • MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Approved Positive Color Options - One Color (Approved)Black (Shown)
  • Neutral Metallics
  • White Silhouette or clear background

Display on:

  • White
  • Any light-to-mid value background



Approved Reverse Color Options

Display on black or mid- to dark-value backgrounds


MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Approved Reverse Color Options - Full Color (Preferred)

Full-Color – Preferred

  • MSU Denver Blue
  • MSU Denver Red
  • White Logotype and Silhouette Behind Roadrunner Symbol

Display on:

  • MSU Denver Blue
  • MSU Denver Red
  • MSU Denver Gray
  • Black or any mid- to dark-value background




MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Approved Reverse Color Options - One Color (Preferred)

One-Color – Preferred


  • White

Display on:

  • MSU Denver Blue
  • MSU Denver Red
  • MSU Denver Grey




One-Color – Approved

MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Approved Reverse Color Options - One Color (Approved)


  • White
  • Neutral Metallics

Display on:

  • Black
  • Any mid-to-dark value background



Roadrunner Symbol Color Selection

Once approval for display of the Roadrunner Symbol as a stand-alone graphic identifier is obtained from University Communications and Marketing, the guidelines stated here will help ensure its integrity.

Clear logo visibility is important for ensuring its integrity. All Roadrunner Symbol components must be easily discernible from the background on which they are displayed. The gray-scale diagram below demonstrates how the visibility of each symbol color option is affected by the color value of its background. Additionally, avoid displaying the symbol on background areas with a high degree of contrast and/or distracting visual activity. Generally, positive symbols provide optimum contrast on light- to medium-value backgrounds and reverse symbols provide optimum contrast on medium- to dark-value backgrounds.


MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Color Selection



Important note about the Roadrunner Symbol

To best ensure clear legibility and maintain brand integrity, it is important to select the correct color version of any of our logos that include the Roadrunner Symbol. To this point, there are two important design features:

  1. The Roadrunner Symbol artwork is available with and without a white silhouette behind the symbol. The white silhouette ensures clear legibility regardless of the background color value on which it is displayed. However, the white silhouette is not always practical in certain reproduction techniques. In scenarios such as small imprint or two-color reproduction limitations on colored backgrounds, it is preferred to use a one-color logo to avoid diminished visibility of the red logo components caused by close color boundary between the red components and the background.
  2. When selecting a one-color logo, be sure to select the one-color positive art for light- to mid-value backgrounds and the one-color reverse art for mid- to dark-value backgrounds. These two one-color versions are NOT interchangeable. The rendering of the Roadrunner Symbol is different between the positive and reverse versions so that the eye “reads correctly.” If the one-color positive logo is inadvertently displayed in white on a dark-value background, it will appear incorrect because of the mis-read of the eye. Likewise, displaying a one-color reverse logo in MSU Denver Blue or black on a light-value background will result in the same undesirable effect.


MSU Roadrunner Symbol - Color Selection Background Guide

Roadrunner Symbol Misuse

Once approval for display of the Roadrunner Symbol as a stand-alone graphic identifier is obtained from University Communications and Marketing, the guidelines stated here will help ensure its integrity.

Preserving the integrity of the MSU Denver brand is paramount. A visible method of preservation is through accurate and consistent display of our Roadrunner Symbol. This practice will help reinforce its strength and continue to grow MSU Denver’s current degree of brand equity. Shown below are just a few potential misuses of our Roadrunner Symbol. All attempts should be made to adhere to the guidelines stated in this document. Any misuse will ultimately diminish the current degree of brand equity and potentially jeopardize its legal protection.

MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - Correct Use Example

Correct Logo Use:

At right is the approved and preferred appearance of our Roadrunner Symbol.

Below are just a few potential misuses of our Symbol.


Avoid the logo misuses below and others. If you have questions regarding correct logo use, contact University Communications and Marketing.



MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - Transpose



Transpose the color scheme. Only display the approved color options.



MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - Unapproved Single Color


Display a one-color version other than those approved.




MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - Unapproved Single Color with tints


Create a one-color version with tints to simulate the hue differences found within the two-color version.





MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - full color without white silhouette


Inadvertently display the full- color version without the White Silhouette. This may result in insufficient contrast between the red Nape component and the color value of the background on which the Symbol is displayed.


MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - rotated logo



Rotate the Roadrunner Symbol. Always ensure its level display by horizontally aligning the outermost left and right points of the Symbol.


MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - mis-registration of components



Allow mis-registration of the various symbol components.





MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - silhouette with unapproved color


Fill the Silhouette behind the Roadrunner Symbol with any color other than white.



MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - special effects



Create special effects with the logo. Effects such as drop shadows impede legibility and diminish the logo’s integrity.


MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - flipped across vertical axis



Flip the Roadrunner Symbol on its vertical axis. The Symbol should always be facing to the right.





MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - unapproved organization combo


Create unapproved organization or club logos by incorporating the Roadrunner Symbol into the logo’s design.



MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - unapproved added graphics



Add graphics to the Roadrunner Symbol. Always ensure the Clear Zone is properly observed.


MSU Roadrunner Logo -Misuse - unapproved representation of University



Visually represent the University’s brand with a rendering or symbol that previously served to represent the University.