Teaching and Learning Book Discussions

A Book Discussion where it’s OK if you didn’t read the book!

Are you eager to discuss new and thought-provoking books about teaching? Do you have a pile of books you haven’t yet had the time to read?

This informal discussion group will explore a different book or resource at each meeting. After a brief overview of the book’s main themes, we will spend most of our time engaging in informal discussion about the ideas and their implications for teaching.

Be sure to vote on a future book or suggest your own options below.

Next book discussion: Teaching with AI (Spring 2025)

Sessions will be scheduled in Spring 2025

Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning

By Jose Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson

Teaching with AI book cover

Book description: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we learn, work, and think. Its integration into classrooms and workplaces is already underway, impacting and challenging ideas about creativity, authorship, and education. In this book, the authors explore how to harness and manage AI as a powerful teaching tool.

From interactive learning techniques to advanced assignment and assessment strategies, this comprehensive guide offers practical suggestions for integrating AI effectively into teaching and learning environments. Bowen and Watson tackle crucial questions related to academic integrity, cheating, and other emerging issues.

In the age of AI, critical thinking skills, information literacy, and a liberal arts education are more important than ever. As AI continues to reshape the nature of work and human thinking, educators can equip students with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. This book serves as a compass, guiding educators through the uncharted territory of AI-powered education and the future of teaching and learning.


If you‘d like to review a copy of the book before the discussion, please email Bridget Arend at [email protected]

Suggested Discussion Guidelines

These discussions are intended to create save/brave spaces for thought-provoking discussions. To that end, the following guidelines are suggested.

  • Speak your own truth – use “I” statements
  • Respect the truth of others – listen to understand, suspend judgment and turn to curiosity
  • Ask questions to expand our thinking
  • Hold ourselves accountable for our statements
  • Participate at your comfort level, yet aim to hear as many voices/perspectives as possible
  • Take the learning outside the discussion, but keep any personal information confidential

Vote on or Suggest Future Books

Help steer our exploration by voting on future book discussion options and sharing your own recommendations.

Vote on Future Book Discussion Options

Past Book Discussions