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Ready to find out what MSU Denver can do for you? We’ve got you covered.
Do you have a teaching-related issue or idea you’d like to explore with your colleagues?
Do you want to deepen your teaching practice through ongoing discussion with faculty across campus?
Consider one of these four programs in the next academic year: Join ACUE, facilitate an FLC, collaborate on a SoTL project, or become a CTLD Peer Associate!
The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) semester-long courses prepare and support faculty to teach with research-based best practices, collegial discussion, and implementation of new strategies each week. Completion of the four core ACUE courses leads to a nationally recognized Certificate in Effective College Instruction endorsed by the American Council of Education (ACE).
NOTE: Our ACUE programming has changed. Formerly this was a full-year, intensive program. That has now been stretched into 4 smaller courses, spread out over 2 academic years.
Fall courses include:
Ready to deepen your teaching practice?
Learn more and apply by May 24 for fall courses
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) fosters a scholarly approach to teaching and engages faculty in reflective practice. The CTLD supports SoTL through SoTL Learning Communities, collaborative peer reviews, and small, focused SoTL FLCs.
We are currently recruiting facilitators to lead a scholarship project around:
Or, additional ideas proposed by faculty.
Do you want to learn more about teaching-related scholarship?
Learn more, sign up to stay in the loop about SoTL, or suggest a potential SoTL project
Designed to deepen the expertise across campus for teaching-related support, this small faculty cohort meets regularly for one semester to learn about the CTLD, explore resources to support teaching across campus, and further their own teaching projects.
Want to learn more about the teaching support available at MSU Denver?
FLC members meet regularly throughout the year or semester to deepen their knowledge and skills on a topic of mutual interest. Facilitators choose and plan the topic to explore and receive a stipend for facilitating the meetings.
Do you have a teaching-related issue or idea to explore with colleagues?
Learn more and fill out the facilitator application
These are just some of the many programs offered through CTLD that bring faculty together across campus.