
Accessibility is an ongoing endeavor, and thus the Instructional Accessibility Group is constantly looking for new ways to guide faculty to proactive accessibility and promote accessibility awareness and inclusion. We firmly believe that proactive accessibility helps all students regardless of accommodation disclosure status.

New and Upcoming Faculty Trainings

The IAG is always looking to improve how we connect and educate faculty to be proactive about accessibility. The trainings listed below are in addition to our current offerings.

Self-paced Accessibility Guides:

Live Training:

  • Accessibility Bytes: 30-minute virtual instructional accessibility workshops.
    We will be running Accessibility Bytes with four sessions every other week (sessions are the same all week). Mondays/Tuesdays 3pm, Wednesdays/Thursdays 9am.
  • Proactive Accessibility Liaisons (PALs): Accessibility Faculty Cohort, similar to SotL model. Stipend available for faculty who complete and present their final project.
  • Pilot PDF Remediation Service. We are partnered with one department as well as PALs and faculty who requested Course Reviews in Fall.

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Upcoming and Past IAG Events

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Academic year 2024-2025

Academic year 2023-2024

  • Radical Roadrunners Fall Runway, September 2023.
    A radically visible QueerCrip fashion show, featuring Rebirth Garments. IAG collaboration with GITA.
  • 2nd Annual MSU Denver Research Symposium. October 2023.
    The IAG participated in the poster session on “What is Accessibility and Why Does It Matter?”
    A digital version of our poster is available.
  • 8th Annual MSU Denver Women in Stem Conference. October 2023
    The IAG co-presented a session on Accessibility in Stem with Professors April Hill and Alycia Palmer (both from Chemistry).

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Recommended Readings

  • Disability and World Language Learning: Inclusive Teaching for Diverse Learners.
    Sally S. Scott and Wade A. Edwards. ISBN-13: 978-1475837056.
  • Radical Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century.
    Edited by Alice Wong. ISBN-13: 978-1984899422.
  • Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist.
    Judith Heumann, with Kristen Joiner. ISBN-13: 978-0807002803.
  • The Future is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes, and Mourning Songs.
    Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. ISBN-13: 978-1551528915.

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Provide Feedback on the IAG Website

The Instructional Accessibility Group always wants to make sure that we are meeting faculty needs! Help guide our trainings, website, and other offerings by providing feedback on our website.

IAG Website Feedback Survey

Connect with the Instructional Accessibility Group

Improve your instructional accessibility through the IAG live trainings, access checks for individual materials, or course reviews.

Have more questions or need additional assistance? Email the Instructional Accessibility Group.