Degree Programs

Students in School of Hospitality programs prepare for hospitality management and operational careers in the heart of Colorado’s second-largest industry.

Majors include Hospitality Leadership, Brewery Operations, Hotel Management, and Event & Meeting Management, all of which are housed in the Rita and Navin Dimond Department of Hotel Management, generously funded by the founders of Stonebridge Companies.

Our programs are constantly adapting to meet our students’ needs.  We are always delivering courses with the latest technology in mind and we will always strive for hands-on learning when available.

Industry Certifications

School of Hospitality

Located in the Hospitality Learning Center (HLC)

Address: 1190B Auraria Parkway Building Room 209

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Mailing Address:


School of Hospitality

PO Box 173362

Campus Box 60

Denver, CO 80217-3362

Contact Information:


Phone: 303-615-1616

Email: [email protected]
