Request Information
Ready to find out what MSU Denver can do for you? We’ve got you covered.
College Works provides recent high school graduates planning to attend MSU Denver the opportunity to work on campus and get a jump-start on their college journey the summer before their freshman year.
We encourage all incoming MSU Denver freshman to apply, regardless of immigration status. If you have any questions regarding eligibility please contact the coordinator.
College Works will help you start school with the skills to navigate college, a campus job, a peer mentor, and a team of people to support you.
Watch our student testimonial on the College Works program.
The College Works summer program will be on-campus from June through August. Support will continue after the summer and throughout your time at MSU Denver.
To take advantage of this unique opportunity, watch for our upcoming College Works application.
If you participate in College Works, you will be paid $18.29/hr for time working for an MSU Denver department.
Payment is provided by the Denver Youth Employment Program, so you must meet their qualifications:
AND one of the following income qualifiers:
We will connect you to a job with one of the departments at MSU Denver where you can work up to 30 hours per week over the summer.
You will be paid through Adams County Workforce programs, so must meet their qualifications to participate:
Experience one or more of the following challenges:
To verify or ask questions about eligibility please email [email protected] or call 720-523-6898.
Contact: Vel Arellano
Phone: (303) 605-5075 | Classroom to Career Hub - JSSB 230W
Send Vel an Email