Plaza Building, Health Center closed due to a water main break.

In addition to working with writers through consultations, clinics, and interactive workshops, the Writing Center is also a site of ongoing research. Recent and current research projects include

  • a study of causes of writing anxiety and strategies that can alleviate it
  • a study of ways that citation analysis, the methodology of The Citation Project, can be integrated into tutorials
  • a study of how writing-from-sources assignments frame research

If you would like to participate in this research, have any questions about our research, or if you would like to conduct your own research related to writing, please contact the Writing Center Director, Elizabeth Kleinfeld.

You can get a head start on researching in the Writing Center by completing the CITI online training course on human subjects research.

If you are an undergraduate researcher working on research in English Studies and you want to take your research to the next level, consider participating in the Naylor Workshop for Undergraduate Research in English.