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MHA Competencies

Competency: An observable ability of a health professional, integrating multiple components such as knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Since competencies are observable, they can be measured and assessed to ensure their acquisition. Competencies can be assembled like building blocks to facilitate progressive development (Frank, et al. 2010).

The competencies for the Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) graduate program have been established by MHA program leadership based on best practice competency models (National Center for Healthcare Leadership, Healthcare Leadership Alliance, American College of Healthcare Executives, and the Association of University Programs in Health Administration).

Competency Domains

Assessment of Competency Development

The MHA Competencies are linked to learning objectives for each course. Course assignments are linked to the learning objectives of the course. Course assignments are graded by Faculty and feedback is provided to help students develop their MHA competencies. All students must take MHA 5000 as their first course on entry, and Capstone as their last course in the program. In both MHA 5000 and the Capstone course, students are required to take two forms of competency assessment. The first is a self-survey, which asks students questions to evaluate their perception of their skills, knowledge, and abilities as they relate to the MHA competencies. The second assessment is a Health Care competency exam, provided by Peregrine Academic Services™. The exam provides students an objective analysis of their competency achievement, a comparison to other similar students from other Universities in similar programs, and a comparison of the student’s own progression throughout the MHA program.

Communication of Competency Development

Communication is completed in the following ways:

  1. Self-survey, which provides the student a forum to communicate their perceptions of level of competency to Faculty.
  2. Health Care Competency exam, which shares information directly to the student and Faculty.
  3. Advising sessions with the MHA Program Director to discuss survey data, course achievement, and competency progression.
  4. Capstone mentor survey of student, which allows a practitioner the opportunity to evaluate the student’s competency development.
  5. Student and Alumni Surveys, provides ad hoc and ongoing data of competency progression.

Aggregate data is analyzed and shared with MHA Program leadership and other stakeholders for the purpose of continually improving the MHA program.

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1055 10th Street, Ste. 220, Denver, CO 80204

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Mailing Address
Department of Health Professions
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Campus Box 33, PO Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362

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