Corporate and Foundation Relations

This handout is meant to guide you through the process of seeking foundation or corporate foundation support for your work. In many cases, we encourage you to contact foundation directly to determine if your project aligns with its mission and strategy and to learn more about the process for requesting support. 

The entire process – from initial contact to final decision by a foundation’s board of directors – takes six months to a year, on average.  You are best advised to start the process very well in advance of the time the funding will be needed. 

There are a handful of centrally managed corporations and foundations that should only be approached for funding through or with clearance from Corporate and Foundation Relations, at the request of either the funder’s leadership or the University’s. These are organizations that expect funding discussions to center on institutional priorities and that, in most cases, have explicitly asked that funding requests carry the endorsement of the President and be conveyed through the Advancement office. If you wish to seek funding from an organization on this list, please contact the CFR Team.

Are you seeking less than $15,000 for a program/project?

If you are seeking $15,000 or less in funding from a source that is not centrally managed, we encourage you to use the fundraising toolkit for support.

Are you seeking more than $15,000 for a program/project?

If you are seeking more than $15,000, please complete a Project Information Form and a member of the CFR team will contact you for support.

Getting Started

Contact the CFR Team


Megan Conklin

Executive Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations

[email protected] 303-605-5815

Many Malachowski

Assistant Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations

[email protected] 303-578-6760
Tori Meyers

Tori Meyers

Interim Director of Grants

[email protected] 303-605-3651