MSU Denver Access Center

The Access Center provides leadership to the university community to ensure that qualified students with disabilities have equal access to University programs, services, and activities through academic accommodations and collaboration in order to advance MSU Denver’s commitment to inclusive excellence.

As a resource to faculty, the Access Center supports faculty with fostering an accessible learning environment through the use of effective accommodations to students with disabilities. Their staff provides on-going support to faculty and can serve as a resource for ensuring all students have equitable access to information, programming, and services at the university as a whole.

The Access Center is located in Plaza Building 122 and can be reached by phone at 303-615-0200 or by email at  [email protected].

What is here?

The materials included on this page, which has been developed in partnership between the Access Center and the Office of Faculty Affairs, is intended to help MSU Denver address and explore the following questions:

  • What are reasonable accommodations for disability and why are they important?
  • What are the laws and policies that support access and inclusion for disabled individuals?
  • What do I need to know about Accommodation Letters?
  • What is the interactive process for identifying and implementing reasonable accommodations?
  • What is my role in implementing reasonable accommodations for students
  • Where do I go for help if I don’t know how to implement a requested accommodation?
  • How can I be more inclusive in my assessments, pedagogy, and course communications?

The information and resources below are intended to aid faculty in meeting the institution’s obligation of providing equal access to all programs, activities and services. Additional information can also be found on the Access Center site.

The Interactive Process for Identifying and Implementing Reasonable Accommodations

The Access Center works in partnership with faculty and students with disabilities.  Each plays a role in providing reasonable accommodations and equitable access to university courses and programs.  This required collaboration aims to identify and implement reasonable accommodations for disabilities is called the interactive process.

Role of Faculty

The Role of Faculty

Depending upon the type of accommodation a student has been approved for, faculty may be asked by the Access Center to provide details related to assignment deadlines or course attendance and to what degree a modification can be provided to the standard course requirements to provide an equitable accommodation to a student. Case-by-case situations may arise that warrant discussion between faculty and the Access Center to determine if an exception can be provided beyond what was originally stated in the student’s accommodation letter due to additional complications that have arisen related to the student’s disability condition. Meetings may be requested by faculty, students or Access Center staff prior to the start of or during the semester by any of the three parties to discuss the provision of accommodations. At any point, faculty may refer students to Access Center if they are requesting disability related accommodations and are not currently receiving services from the Access Center.

Role of the Student

The Role of the Student

Students seeking accommodations must meet with Access Center staff and share information about their disability and the barriers caused by their condition that impact their equitable access. Students are expected to communicate with faculty as needed regarding provision of any of their approved accommodation that requires faculty involvement and should engage with Access Center if they are experiencing any issues with receiving their approved accommodations or need any clarification regarding the process of requesting and receiving their approved accommodations.

Role of Access Center

The Role of the Access Center

Access Center personnel gather information from student and their qualified professional provider about the student’s diagnosed disability and the barriers the student is experiencing in order to create an accommodation letter that identifies accommodations that would provide equitable access. Throughout the process Access Center partners work with students and faculty to identify and implement reasonable accommodations that will not compromise the essential requirements or standards of the course or program. The Access Center team engages with faculty to determine what degree of flexibility can be provided pertaining to specific accommodations that seek adjustments to established course policies, i.e., extensions on assignments and flexibility with course attendance.

Understanding Disability and Reasonable Accommodations

Understanding & Adhering to Accommodation Letters

Reducing Access Barriers in the Learning Environment

Additional Resources