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Trauma-Informed Practices are techniques that center equity and the inclusion of all learners, especially students impacted by traumatic life events. Trauma Informed Practices also mitigate the experience of secondary trauma for teachers in the classroom.
To equip pre-service and in-service teachers with essential skills, the Office of Education Solutions offers the 4-part Trauma-Informed Practices (TIP) Professional Learning Series sessions facilitated by diverse faculty members. Centering on developing equitable practices and resilience among students and teachers, the TIP series satisfies the 10-hours of CDE professional development re-licensure requirement of HB 20-1312 and 20-1128.
Between one-half to two-thirds of all school-aged children experience trauma, and more than 30 percent of children have multiple traumatic experiences. These statistics do not account for the trauma of ongoing racial discrimination and microaggressions that students of color experience, nor the lasting mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting that the actual rate of child trauma may be much higher.
Children who have experienced trauma tend to be disciplined more often at school and are frequently labeled as “problem children”. Without intervention, unaddressed trauma can be the first step of the school-to-prison pipeline. Punitive responses to trauma-based behavior can be particularly damaging to students of color, who are more likely to be suspended or expelled than their white counterparts. Schools that recognize and respond to child trauma have seen gains in student achievement and reduced incidence of delinquency.
Office of Education Solutions (OES) is partnering with Resilient Futures to build the capacity of current and future teachers to recognize and respond to trauma in school environments with children, build healing and equitable classrooms, and address secondary trauma in themselves and their coworkers. This initiative includes:
Integrating trauma-informed practices (TIP) into the School of Education curriculum for pre-service teachers:
Supporting in-service teachers and schools to implement TIP:
Ongoing research and evaluation:
If you are interested in learning more about professional development for in-service teachers and schools, or have questions about the program in general, please email [email protected].
The Office of Education Solutions is deeply grateful to the Buell Foundation, which has funded the TIP program from its infancy. The TIP program would not be possible without their support. The OES also thanks Gary Community Ventures and the Rose Community Foundation for their prior support.
Our vision is that trauma-informed practices will become so fundamental to educator preparation and school systems that future educators will not remember a time without it.
9/13/22: Ed Solutions recently was awarded a Circle Grant, enabling Trauma-Informed Practices to extend the 4-part professional learning series to rural schools, districts, and BOCES.
9/1/22: Fall 2022 TIP Professional Learning Series announced, save the date(s)!
School of Education students, alumni, faculty, staff and mentor teachers – as well as in-service educators across the state – have an opportunity to attend a FREE 4-part professional learning series on creating trauma-informed and equitable learning environments! See the TIP Professional Learning Series listing in our Events section to learn more.
8/1/22: Ed Solutions’ Trauma-Informed Practices recently received the 2022 Christa McCauliffe Excellence in Teacher Education Award from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.
Each semester, the School of Education provides a FREE 4-part professional learning series on creating trauma-informed and equitable learning environments. These sessions are available to all School of Education students, alumni, faculty, staff and mentor teachers. All Fall 2024 sessions are held virtually online.
We schedule multiple date options for these professional learning sessions. The content is the same for each date option (i.e. all Part 1s are the same and all Part 2s are the same).
The topics covered in these sessions are as follows:
TIP Part 1: Understanding Trauma and Stress
TIP Part 2: Cultural Humility and Responsiveness
TIP Part 3: Social Emotional Learning and Fostering Resilience
TIP Part 4: Empowerment and Safety
Because of limited seating, if you sign up but are no longer able to attend a TIP session, please email [email protected] so we may offer your seat to someone on the waitlist.
Please note you must attend Session 1 before you can move on to Sessions 2-4. If you miss Session 1, you will be removed from the other session(s), and you will need to re-register for them.
If you are interested in attending and you are not a School of Education student, alumni, faculty, staff, or mentor teacher, please email [email protected]. You can also email [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.
Coping In Hard Times for High School & College Aged Youth (NCTSN)
CDC Page on Adverse Childhood Experiences
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus (Teaching Tolerance)
Addressing Race & Trauma In The Classroom for Educators (NCTSN)
Brief COVID-19 Screening Form Child & Adolescent PTSD (UCLA)
COVID19 HEARTS Core Guiding Principles (Resilient Futures)
COVID19 HEARTS Core Guiding Principles for ECE (Resilient Futures)
Helping Homebound Children During COVID19 Outbreak (CSTS)
How to Respond to Coronavirus Racism (Teaching Tolerance)
Online Teaching Can Be Culturally Responsive (Teaching Tolerance)
Parent & Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with COVID19 (NCTSN)
Self Care During COVID19 (NCTSN)
Lesson Plans (Teaching Tolerance)
Teaching Strategies (Teaching Tolerance)
Care for the Caregiver After A Crisis – Tips for Families & Educators (NASP)
Coping In Hard Times for School Staff (NCTSN)
Secondary Traumatic Stress for Child Serving Professionals (NCTSN)
Childhood Traumatic Grief for School Personnel (NCTSN)
Preparing for Crisis Anniversaries – Guidance for Educators (NASP)
Social Media & School Crises – Brief Facts and Tips (NASP)
Talking To Children About Violence – Tips for Parents & Teachers (NASP)
The Science of Stress and Trauma (hover over “Science” in top right and choose a topic) (Harvard)
Understanding Trauma: Learning Brain vs Survival Brain (Dr. Jacob Ham)
The School of Education's Trauma-Informed Practices initiative relies on support from our community.