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Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you have for Graduate Students?

Graduate students may take advantage of our individual counseling services; support groups; academic, personal growth, substance abuse and diversity workshops. Graduate students must meet with the Group Facilitator before being placed in our support/therapy groups.

For those who are incredibly busy with balancing work, school, and family life, we have several online self-help assessments for Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress, Eating Disorders,  Substance Abuse Issues,  and General Well-Being, that can provide preliminary feedback about one’s functioning and make recommendations for follow-up care.

Additionally, we have an array of self-help informational pamphlets on many mental health topics provided through ULifeLIne, or through links to professional websites such as the National Institute of Mental Health, and the American Psychological Association.



How does a Graduate Student get an appointment?

We are providing both virtual and in-person sessions during the period of the Pandemic, in keeping with prevailing health guidelines. To begin counseling graduate students may simply come to the Center located in the Tivoli Student Union, Suite 651, or one may call our main number at 303-615-9988. Our administrative staff will help you fill out the paperwork required and set you up with a therapist. The initial meeting usually takes about an hour or less, and your therapist will help determine the nature of your problem(s) and your treatment options. Please note though, we are only able to see MSU Denver students who are currently registered for at least one class. Several graduate students take advantage of our virtual sessions as it is easier to fit in a session in their lunch break or at the beginning or end of their workday.


What are your hours?

The Counseling Center is open from 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We are in meetings on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon. Given the high demand for our services we do encourage students to make an appointment in advance.


Is there a cost?

No. We are able to provide service at no additional charge to currently enrolled MSU Denver Students.  Student Health Fees cover our services. Clients work with their  therapists to determine the duration of care/treatment, if it is appropriate to receive services from us.


Where is the MSU Denver Counseling Center located?

We are located in the Tivoli Student Union, Suite 651. To find us in the Tivoli take the Tower elevator to the 6th floor. From the elevator, turn left and go down the stairs. Our facilities are handicapped accessible.


Crisis Assistance:

Given the demands on graduate students it is understandable that crises may arise unexpectedly. Students may call our Center at 303-615-9988 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to consult with one of our professional staff. If graduate students need crisis assistance after 5:00 p.m., or on weekends and holidays, please encourage them to call our 24/7 Mental Health and Victims’ Assistance Crisis line at 303-615-9911 and identify as an Auraria student.


What options do graduate students residing outside of Colorado have for receiving treatment if the Counseling Center is not able to provide clinical treatment?

All students can utilize our robust library of self-help resources, including online screening tools and materials designed to facilitate self-care­ – regardless of their state of residence. Several apps for stress management, relaxation, and more are also available on the Counseling Center’s website. Students residing outside of Colorado may also register for any of our workshops on topics such as academic skills, diversity, personal growth, and substance abuse.

We also strongly encourage students living outside of Colorado to utilize mental health services in their local jurisdictions. Staff in the Counseling Center are available to provide assistance to students in identifying options for local mental health services/resources.