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CYBM program students should familiarize themselves with the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog for a comprehensive list of University policies.
Students who have not been in attendance for three consecutive semesters including summer must reapply to the CYBM program. Students seeking readmission must be in good academic standing.
CYBM program students who are eligible for readmission should submit the Readmission after Leave of Absence form and the graduate application.
The CYBM program does not offer any credits from learning gained through life experience toward the CYBM degree.
The CYBM program does not provide an option to test out of any coursework at the graduate level.
Students must complete the Master of Science in Cybersecurity degree within six calendar years from the term they initially enroll. Students should check the Academic Catalog and specific program section of the catalog to determine specific degree requirements.
No more than six (6) graduate-level transfer credits (semester hours or equivalent) will be accepted for the CYBM program. The credits must have been completed no longer than six years prior to the admission term and must be from a regionally accredited, U.S. institution or equivalent.
The CYBM program has discretion over the acceptance of transfer courses. A minimum grade of “B” is required for each transfer course. Applicants should check the CYBM program website and contact the Cybersecurity Program Manger regarding potential transfer of credits.
Forms of electronic communication have become in fact the means of official communication to students, faculty and staff within MSU Denver. This policy acknowledges this fact and formally makes electronic communication an official means of communication for the University.
Students may enroll in no more than nine (9) credits per semester for fall, spring, or summer semesters without the approval of all the involved departments.
The CYBM program does not allow any course to count toward both a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree.
Only students who are formally accepted into the CYBM graduate program or non-degree-seeking status may register for any CYBM graduate courses.
The University residency requirement for master’s programs is the total number of semester hours required for the program minus nine (9).
Students in the CYBM program must complete the degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Any student falling below a 3.0 average in any given term will be placed on academic probation. Students who fail to raise their GPA to 3.0 or above after 9 credit hours will be dismissed from the CYBM program.
No grade lower than a “C” will count toward the degree. Students receiving a “D” or below will be required to repeat the course.
All CYBM coursework, including any electives, must be completed and passed in the required sequential order as listed in the Master of Science in the Cybersecurity Program Details and Curriculum document. These courses are only offered once a year. Students must maintain continuous enrollment. Students who fall out of sequence are no longer in good academic standing and must seek to advise to continue in the program. A plan of completion will be determined in advising and the revised plan could delay graduation a year or more. Students who fall out of sequence and do not seek to advise for a new plan of completion will receive an automatic performance review.
All CYBM students must successfully complete all CYBM courses (totaling 36 credit hours) including CYBM 6001 Cybersecurity Capstone and complete the senior project.
A review of a candidate’s plan of study and progress must be conducted as soon as all the minimum requirements have been met and no later than the first day of the term in which the student expects to complete the degree. Minimum requirements for the review include completion of any provisional admission requirements, an approved plan of study that will lead to meeting the degree requirements, posting of any transfer work to the student’s record, and a grade point average of “B” or better in all work completed to that point. Successful completion of the review and approval by the appropriate faculty advisors, or student services office and the Office of Graduate Studies constitutes Advancement to Candidacy.
In addition to adhering to the University requirement for Incomplete eligibility, CYBM students who have any outstanding incompletes at the start of the following semester will receive an automatic performance review which may result in an altered academic plan.
The CYBM program does not grant plus and minus grades. Students should refer to the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the Graduate Catalog for a listing of all grades and notations including incompletes and withdrawals.
The Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Code of Conduct applies to all MSU Denver students, regardless of level.
As students, faculty, staff and administrators of the Metropolitan State University of Denver, it is our responsibility to uphold and maintain an academic environment that furthers scholarly inquiry, creative activity and the application of knowledge. We will not tolerate academic dishonesty. We will demonstrate honesty and integrity in all activities related to our learning and scholarship. We will not plagiarize, fabricate information or data, cheat on tests or exams, steal academic material, or submit work to more than one class without full disclosure.
For more information visit Academic Integrity Standards and Academic Misconduct.
Metropolitan State University of Denver prohibits sexual misconduct in any form, including sexual assault or sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and other forms of nonconsensual sexual conduct, including stalking and electronic harassment. Forms of intimate partner violence, including dating violence and domestic violence, are also prohibited under this policy. Students, faculty, staff and visitors, should be able to live, study, and work in an environment free from sexual misconduct. It is the policy of MSU Denver that sexual misconduct in any form will not be excused or tolerated. Retaliation in any form for reporting such sexual misconduct or for cooperating in a sexual misconduct investigation is strictly prohibited and will be addressed as a separate violation of the Student Code of Conduct. This policy is promulgated under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq., and its implementing regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 106; Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000c).
For further information, visit the following pages: Title IX and Student Code of Conduct.
Students are expected to attend all sessions of courses for which they are registered. Each instructor determines when a student’s absences have reached a point at which they jeopardize success in a course. When absences become excessive, the student may receive a failing grade for the course. If students anticipate a prolonged absence, they should contact their instructors. The full University policy on class attendance, including policies related to class attendance on religious holidays, can be found here.
Students at MSU Denver who, because of their sincerely held religious beliefs, are unable to attend classes, take examinations, participate in graded activities or submit graded assignments on particular days shall without penalty be excused from such classes and be given a meaningful opportunity to make up such examinations and graded activities or assignments provided that advance written notice that the student will be absent for religious reasons is given to the faculty members during the first two weeks of the semester.
For further information, see the Class Attendance policies page of the Graduate Academic Catalog.
The Metropolitan State University of Denver is committed to making reasonable accommodations to assist individuals with disabilities in reaching their academic potential. If you have a disability that may impact your performance, attendance, or grades in this class and are requesting accommodations, then you must first register with the Access Center, located in the Plaza Building, Suite 122. Their phone number is (303) 556-8387.
The Access Center is the designated department responsible for coordinating accommodations and services for students with disabilities. Accommodations will not be granted prior to your faculty member’s receipt of your faculty notification letter from the Access Center. Please note that accommodations are never provided retroactively (i.e., prior to the receipt of your faculty notification letter.) Once your faculty has received your official Access Center faculty accommodation letter, they are happy to meet with you to discuss your accommodations. All discussions will remain confidential. Further information is available by visiting the Access Center website.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact our office by emailing Destiny Watkins, Cybersecurity Program Manager.
EMAIL Cybersecurity Program ManagerOffice Location & Hours
We are located in the Administration Building, Suite 310.
In-Person Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Hours: Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Mailing Address
Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Campus Box 10
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362