Event | Volunteer at Admissions Open House
Date and Time | Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location | Student Success Building, 890 Auraria Pkwy, Denver CO 80204


We are looking for 8-10 alumni volunteers to help at the Admissions Open House this Saturday, February 24th. We would love to have as many alums there as possible to interact with the prospective students and their families to share about your MSU Denver experience.

Roles include:

  • Staffing the alumni association table (2)
  • Serving as greeters/floaters (4)
  • Joining the admissions staff, prospective students & their families on campus tours (4)

Free Parking will be provided! *All volunteers will receive breakfast and be given a MSU Denver shirt

Event Contact: Brandi Rideout at [email protected]

Do NOT use MSU Denver Corporate Cards for this transaction.