MSU Denver will be closed Monday, Jan. 20 for the MLK holiday.

Nov. 14, 2022

Dear Roadrunners,

Presidential Statement graphic

I am devastated by the loss of seven college students killed at the universities of Idaho and Virginia on Sunday. Two campus communities 2,500 miles apart are in mourning today, reeling from tragic acts of violence and shelter-in-place directives that have become far too frequent in American schools.

I share my deepest condolences with the families of the students lost this weekend, the survivors of these devastating acts, and all those people whose lives have been touched by violence who are retraumatized by incidents like these. While we think about the university communities in Charlottesville, Virginia, and Moscow, Idaho, I ask that you support each other – reach out to your classmates, communicate with and care for one another.

Let’s also remember our resources and ways you can act in times like these. Campus safety is always a top priority at Metropolitan State University of Denver, so please review the resources and actions you can take below. MSU Denver students and employees can find mental health services, as well as ways to be prepared for emergencies, steps to prevent violence and more.

Look out for yourself and others.

Know the warning signs and how to report.

Secure any weapons you own.

Support victims directly. 

  • Give to reputable funds such as VictimsFirst, which provides emergency financial assistance to families of the deceased and survivors from previous mass shootings.

Get engaged!


Janine Davidson, Ph.D.