Share Your Love for MSU Denver!

Become an MSU Denver social media advocate and build support for your campaign! Right-click and download the graphics below to brand your social media profile for MSU Denver’s 2023 Day of Giving. Want a custom graphic? Email [email protected].

And as always, follow us on social media through the links above. #RunWithUs

Suggested Posts


“I love MSU Denver because [list your reasons]! #RunWithUs on March 30”

“I love MSU Denver, do you? Join me in showing your love and #RunWithUs on March 30.”

“Join me in helping [insert cause name] win a bonus gift on MSU Denver’s Day of Giving on March 30. #RunWithUs”

“Showing my Roadrunner love for [insert cause name] because I love MSU Denver. #RunWithUs”

“I just made my gift to [insert cause name] to show my MSU Denver love. #RunWithUs”

“Today I showed my Roadrunners love by supporting [cause name] on MSU Denver Day of Giving. #RunWithUs”

I Gave Because…

After you make your gift to MSU Denver and your favorite campaign, share your “I Gave Because…” graphic on social media! Right-click the images below to download and add your personal message on why you donated and why you love MSU Denver.

Update Your Profile Image

Right-click on the images to download to your computer

MSU Denver 2023 Day of Giving graphic with a Super Mario background with Mario Rowdy
MSU Denver 2023 Day of Giving graphic with a Super Mario background
Profile Image v3

Update Your Social Media Cover Image

Facebook Cover

msu denver day of giving 2023 facebook cover image

Twitter Cover

msu denver day of giving 2023 twitter cover image

LinkedIn Cover

msu denver day of giving 2023 linkedin cover image

Zoom and Teams Backgrounds