Flynn, M. K., Berkout, O. V., & Alde, E. (in press). Suicidality, gender identity-related stressors, and psychological flexibility among transgender and non-binary adults. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.



Bailey, C. A., Venta, A., Baumgartner, M., Mercado, A., Colunga-Rodríguez, C., Ángel-González, M., Dávalos-Picazo, G., & Sarabia-López, L. E. (2023). Religiosity and religious scrupulosity as markers of poor mental health in the Latinx community: A mediation model. Practice Innovations. 8(1), 23–33. https://doi.org/10.1037/pri0000208

Richmond, A. S., Breedin, O., Lich, T., Pletcher, J., & Sharp, A. (2023). The structure, reliability, and validity of the Universal Design for Learning Syllabus Scale. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 34(1), 69-91.

 Venta, A., Bailey, C., Cuervo, M., Galicia, B., Cerda, O., Bautista, A., & Walker, J. (2023). First data and translation of the Child Attachment Interview en Español. Psychological Assessment, 35(8), e43–e53. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0001240



Abate, A., Bailey, C. A., & Venta, A. (2022). Attachment and social support in Latinx young adults: Investigating the moderating role of familismo. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(3-4), 327-343. doi:10.1177/00220221221077378

Bailey, C. A., & Widner, K. (2022). The nexus between immigration status, policy, and proceedings, and mental health. Current Opinion in Psychology47, 1-9.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2022.101411

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Martin, D. A., Bailey, C. A., & Gowensmith, N. (2022). Ethical considerations of competency restoration: The risk of decompensation in correctional settings, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 29(1), 62–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/law0000356

Mercado, A., Antuña, C., Bailey, C. A., Garcini, L. Hass, G. A., Henderson, C. Koslofsky, S., Morales, F., & Venta, A. (2022). Professional guidelines for psychological evaluations in immigration proceedings. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 10(4), 253–276. https://doi.org/10.1037/lat0000209

Venta, A., Bailey, C., Walker, J., Mercado, A., Colunga Rodríguez, C., Gonzalez, M., & Dávalos Picazo, G. (2022). Reverse coded items do not work in Spanish: Data from four samples using established measures. Frontiers in Psychology13, 1-11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.828037



Aguilar, C., Bailey, C, A., Karyadi, K. A., Kinney, D. I., Nitch, S. R. (2021). The use of performance validity tests among inpatient forensic monolingual Spanish-Speakers. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 3(6), 671-679. doi:10.1080/23279095.2021.1970555

Bailey, C., Venta, A., Varela, J., Salami, T., Ratcliff, C., & Gardner, J. (2021). Risk and protective markers for well-being in Latinx immigrants in removal proceedings. Law and Human Behavior, 45(3), 179-196. doi:10.1037/lhb0000447

Dominguez, A., Mendoza, M., Badanes, L., Dmitrieva, J., & Watamura, S. E. (2021). Cortisol reactivity in preschoolers at home and child care: Effects of setting in eliciting a normative stress response by child race/ethnicity. Infant and Child Development30, 1-18.

Flynn, M. K., & Bhambhani, Y. (2021). Internalized transphobia, nondisclosure of gender identity, and life satisfaction among transgender and non-binary adults:  The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 194-201.

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Lee, A. A., Fleck, B., & Richmond, A. S. (2021). Exploring the relations of academic self- handicapping with achievement goals among urban, underrepresented minority, middle school students. Educational Research: Theory and Practice, 32(2), 79-105. http://www.nrmera.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/5-Lee-et-al-Exploring-the-Relations.pdf

Lundstrom, T., Rocheleau, C., Flores Guerra, N., Erickson, C. (2021). Participation in a Yoga Study Decreases Stress and Depression Scores for Incarcerated Women. International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 31, 1-11.

Venta, A., Bailey, C., A., Mercado, A., & Colunga-Rodríguez, C. (2021). Family separation and attachment in young adults who were once left behind by caregiver migration. Psychiatry Research, 302, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114039

Venta, A., Long, T., Bailey, C., Galicia, B., Abate, A., Walker, J., & Salinas, K. (2021). Measurement invariance of the Inventory of Peer and Parent Attachment among Latinx and non-Latinx college students. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 9(3), 179–188. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/lat0000188

Venta, A., Walker, J., Bailey, C., Long, T., Mercado, A., & Colunga-Rodríguez, C. (2021). The importance of attachment to fathers in Latinx mental health. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(5) 1508–1528. doi:10.1177/02654075211059444



Bailey, C. A, Venta, A. C., & Langley, H. (2020). The bilingual [dis]advantage. Language and Cognition, 12(2), 1-57. doi:10.1017/langcog.2019.43

Bailey, C. A., Galicia, B. E., Salinas, K. Z., Briones, M., Hugo, S., Hunter, K., & Venta, A. C. (2020). Racial/ethnic and gender disparities in anger management as a probation condition. Law and Human Behavior, 44(1), 88-96. doi:10.1037/lhb0000355

Bhambhani, Y., Flynn, M. K., Kellum, K. K., & Wilson, K. G. (2020). The role of psychological flexibility as a mediator between experienced sexual racism and psychological distress among men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(2), 711-720.

Galicia, B. E., Bailey, C. A., Salinas, K. Z., Briones, M., & Venta, A. (2020). Clinical training with undocumented Latinx immigrant minors: Case examples and reflections using the Multicultural Developmental Supervisory Model (MDSM) as a framework. Journal of Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 9(3), 127-141. doi:10.17759/cpse.2020090309

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Smith, R., & Knechtel, L. (2020). When student housing is a car: In college and homeless. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice57(3), 322-337.



Bailey, C. A., McIntyre, E., Arreola, A., & Venta, A. (2019). What are we missing? A glance at immigrant narratives in two languages. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 13, 153-161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-019-00263-3

Bhambhani, Y., Flynn, M. K., Kellum, K. K. & Wilson, K. G. (2019). Examining sexual racism and body dissatisfaction among men of color who have sex with men:  The moderating role of body image inflexibility. Body Image, 28, 142-148.

Venta, A. C., Galicia, B.E., Bailey, C. A., Abate, A., Marshall, K., & Long, T. (2019). Attachment and loss in the context of U.S. immigration: Caregiver separation and characteristics of internal working models of attachment in high school students. Attachment & Human Development, 22(4), 474-489. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2019.1664604

Venta, A., Bailey, C. A., Muñoz, C., Godinez, E., Colin, Y., Arreola, A., Abate, A., Camins, J., Rivas, M., & Lawlace, S. (2019). The Incremental Contribution of Schools to the Mental Health and Resilience of Recently Immigrated Youth. School Psychology Quarterly, 34(2), 138-147. doi:10.1037/spq0000271



Bailey, C. A., Venta, A., Crosby, J., Varela, J., & Boccaccini, M. (2018). The effect of unpreparedness for immigration court on psychopathology. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 20(2), 419-435. doi:10.1007/s12134-018-0614-9

Richmond, A. S. (2018). Where tides collide: How to integrate culture in teaching cognitive psychology. In K. Keith (Ed.) Culture across the curriculum: A psychology teacher’s handbook. (pp. 265-282). Cambridge University Press.



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Kavish, N., Bailey, C., Sharp, C., & Venta, A. (2017). On the relation between general intelligence and psychopathic traits: An examination of inpatient adolescents. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 44(5),1-11. doi:10.1007/s10578-017-0754-8

Venta, A., Muñoz, C., & Bailey, C. (2017). What language does your Internal Working Model speak? The Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology48(6), 813-834. doi:10.1177/0022022117704053



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Flynn, M.K., Berkout, O. V., & Bordieri, M. J. (2016). Cultural considerations in the measurement of psychological flexibility:  Initial validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire-II among Hispanic individuals. Behavior Analysis:  Research and Practice, 16(2), 81-93.

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