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Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives [ALBA] Annual competition for the ALBA George Watt Memorial essay contest. Entries must be at least 5000 words concerning the Spanish Civil War, the global anti-fascist political or cultural struggles of the 1920s and 1930s, or the lifetime histories and contributions of the Americans who fought in support of the Spanish Republic from 1936-1938. SUBMIT ON-LINE: [email protected]
WEB: Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives
Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students: Scholarships for students interested in pursuing actuarial careers. Must be African American, Hispanic, or Native American, a U.S. citizen or have a permanent resident visa. Applicants must be attending or planning to attend a school with an actuarial program.
Adelante! U.S. Education Leadership Fund: Combines financial assistance and leadership training for the workplace. Adelante specifically targets Latino junior and senior students attending Hispanic-serving institutions. GPA 3.0. The program helps students who may be in danger of not completing their college education because of financial pressures. Scholarships are offered to students pursuing a degree in business-related fields. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Selected students are invited to a four-day leadership institute.
Air Force ROTC Scholarship Program: Must be a U.S. citizen, be a full-time student with a GPA of 2.5 cumulative and term, and pass the physical fitness test. Offers a variety of scholarships with a variety of qualifications.
Airline Pilots Association Scholarship Program: Scholarships for sons or daughters of medically retired, long-term disabled or deceased pilot members of the Airline Pilots Association. Students must be enrolled in a program that will result in a B. A. Student must write to the Association for application:
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf: (March) Must be severely or profoundly deaf and use oral communications skills as the customary method of communication. Applicants must have had a hearing loss since birth or before acquiring language. Must be enrolled in a primarily hearing college or university.
WEB: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf College Scholarship: Must be a United States citizen or permanent resident with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Apply on line with a 200 word essay on who has had the greatest impact on your life.
American Chemical Society: Scholarship for minority students majoring in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering or a chemically related science (no pre-med of pharmacy majors) who have at least a “B” average and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be citizens or residents of the U.S.
American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE): Students must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program that is relevant to the field of medical management or be a female pursuing a career in either the clinical or business side of health care, or a member of MGMA’s Society for Physicians in Administration who is undertaking a course of study or project at an undergraduate institution.
American Dental Association Assistance Fund: Must be enrolled in a dental hygiene program and be in the second year. Student must demonstrate a minimum need of at least $2,500 and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
American Dietetic Association: Various scholarships for those in the fields of health and/or nutrition. See application in folder for details. Scholarship requests may be submitted by phone or e-mail.
American Foundation for the Blind, Inc.: Must be legally blind or visually impaired and a U.S. citizen. The AFB offers a variety of scholarships, each with their own specific criteria.
American Geological Institute: Must be an ethnic minority student who is enrolled in a geosciences major. Student must be full-time student and U.S. citizen who demonstrates financial need. Offers awards to both graduate and undergraduate students.
American Hotel and Lodging Foundation: A variety of scholarships for students pursuing an undergraduate degree in hospitality management. All eligible students must be enrolled in hospitality programs. Metro Students should contact the Dean’s Office for application.
WEB: American Hotel and Lodging Foundation
American Indian Heritage Foundation: Sponsors the Miss Indian USA competition whose winner gains scholarship money for school. To enter, applicants must be a U.S. citizen, Native American (submit a copy of the CDIB card or a letter of sponsorship from a tribe), between the age of 18-26, and a high school graduate. To be eligible for this award, applicants must not have been married or cohabit or have been pregnant.
American Indian Science and Engineering Society: Several scholarships. See file or visit them online for more information. Applicants must be current members of AISES to apply–see contact information to become a member.
American Institute of Architects: Offers a variety of scholarships in the field of architecture.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: Must be a minority student majoring in accounting. Must be a U.S. citizen and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and have completed at least 30 hours of semester course work. If you are planning to attend school when applying, you must show proof of your acceptance into the program.
American Institute Of Chemical Engineers (Aiche)-Minority Scholarship Awards: Applicants must be AIChE national student members at the time of application, undergraduates in chemical engineering during the 2007-2008 academic year, and members of a minority group (i.e. African-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Alaskan Native) that is underrepresented in chemical engineering. The selection of recipients will be based on the applicant’s academic record, participation in AIChE student and professional activities, career objectives, and financial need.
American Meteorological Society: Offers a variety of scholarships to students in atmospheric or related oceanic and hydrologic sciences. Must be a full-time student with a 3.0 GPA and a U.S. citizen. Some scholarships offered by the American Meteorology Society require demonstration of financial need.
WEB: American Meteorological Society
American Nuclear Society: Applicants must be enrolled at an accredited institution and be U.S. citizens or possess a permanent visa. Undergraduate scholarships are available for students who have completed one year of study in a program leading to a degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering, or a nuclear related field who will be sophomores in the upcoming year.
American Physical Society: Offers scholarships to African American, Hispanic, or Native American U.S. citizens majoring or planning to major in physics. High school seniors, college freshmen and sophomores are eligible.
American Planning Association: Offers scholarships to African American, Hispanic, or Native American students enrolled in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th years of undergraduate study in the fields of planning, community development, environmental sciences, public administration, transportation or urban studies. Variety of scholarships available.
American Sociological Association: Fellowship program designed for minority students sufficiently advancing in a Ph.D. program. Application must include essay, letters of recommendation, and transcripts. Apply online.
Web: American Sociological Association
American Statistical Association: Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship for women. Must be a full time student and a U.S. citizen. Women who are admitted to full-time study in a graduate statistical program by July 1 of the award year or entering the early stages of graduate training (M.S. or Ph.D.) are especially encouraged to apply.
WEB: American Statistical Association
American Veterans Scholarship: AMVETS annually awards scholarships to the sons, daughters or grandchildren of AMVETS members of deceased veterans who would have been eligible for AMVETS membership. Additionally, a veteran who for membership may qualify his/her children or grandchildren by joining AMVETS and enclosing his/her membership application along with the student’s scholarship application. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need, the scholarships go to deserving high school seniors, high school JROTC, and veterans pursuing a higher education. Scholarships can be downloaded from the website and sent to National Programs Department by April 15th.
Dr. Juan Andrade Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal residents, must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as full-time students in a four-year college or university in the U.S. or U.S. territories, and must demonstrate a verifiable need for financial support. In addition, at least one parent must be of Hispanic ancestry.
Appraisal Institute Minorities and Women Educational Scholarships: This scholarship is awarded to minority and women college students pursuing academic degrees in real estate appraisal or related fields. Eligibility includes minorities identified as a racial, ethnic, or gender group underrepresented in the real estate appraisal profession. Applicants must also be full or part-time students enrolled in real estate courses within a degree granting college/university or junior college/university; have proof of a cumulative grade point average of no less than 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; and demonstrate financial need.
Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association: Offers a variety of undergraduate scholarships in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, physics, and mathematics. Must have a 3.4 GPA and be a member of AFCEA to apply. Contact organization for specific criteria.
Army Emergency Relief Scholarship: Applicants must be dependent children, stepchildren, or the legally adopted child of Army soldiers on active duty, retired, or deceased while on active duty. Also applicants must be registered in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment System.
Asian-American Journalist Association: For students in the field of print, broadcast, on-line or photojournalism. Students must have a commitment to the field and show sensitivity to Asian-American issues.
WEB: Asian-American Journalist Association
Associated General Contractors: Offers one scholarship each for sophomores or juniors who are full-time engineering majors and a grant for a student who is a full-time student in a construction, construction engineering, or civil engineering program. Student must email the Associated General Contractors to receive scholarship application.
ASM Foundation for Education and Research: Candidates must be citizens of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. Must be a declared or intended major in metallurgy/materials. Candidates must have completed one year of college by June 15th. Some scholarships offered by ASM require that you are a member of the organization.
Association of Latino Professionals In Finance And Accounting: The Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA) was the first national Hispanic professional association in the United States. Hispanic Scholarship Fund in conjunction with ALPFA, is providing scholarships for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in accounting or finance related fields. Must be of Hispanic heritage, a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident; must have a GPA of 3.0. Must be a full-time student with at least 12 credit hours completed.
Association on American Indian Affairs: AAIA offers two scholarships, one for American Indians who are displaced homemakers who wish to complete their education. This scholarship is for men or women who are single parents or displaced homemakers. The second scholarship is for American Indian students who display financial need. Send application to:
Association for Women in Science: Must be a female student in the sophomore or junior year of college studying physics, including space physics and geophysics or geoscience. Student should excel at her studies as well as outdoor activities, sports, music, or other non-curricular pursuits or other non-academic pursuits or who has overcome significant obstacles. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
ASTRAEA- National Lesbian Foundation for Justice: Must be a lesbian writer of either fiction or poetry, reside in the U.S., and have published at least one piece of your writing in a newspaper, magazine, journal or anthology. Applicants must not have published more than one book and the submitted writing sample must have some lesbian content.
Phone: (212) 529-8021
Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest: Student must be enrolled in full-time college degree program at the time of entry. Essays are judged on style and content. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged.
Austen Society of North America: Students may be part-time or full-time. 6 to 8 page word essay addressing a topic of Jane Austin’s work
Automotive Hall of Fame: Applicants must have a sincere interest in an automotive related field, must be accepted to an accredited college or university or trade school in the U.S.; must be enrolled full-time and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
Barry Goldwater Foundation: Must be nominated by the Dean. Must be a junior or senior majoring in mathematics or natural sciences with at least a 3.0 GPA.
WEB: Barry Goldwater Foundation
Blinded Veterans Association: Spouses and dependent children of blinded veterans are eligible for the annual Kathern F. Gruber Scholarship Awards to assist them with their higher education tuition. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit through an application process that is evaluated by a committee. Gruber scholarships are for one year only but recipients can reapply and receive the award up to four times. The blind or low vision veteran family member is not required to be a BVA member for the spouse, child, or grandchild to receive a scholarship
WEB: Blinded Veterans Association
Board of Higher Education and Ministry United Methodist Church: Applicants must be active United Methodist Church members, U.S. citizen or permanent resident, admittance to full time degree program in an accredited college or university, and maintain a GPA of 2.5 or above.
Business and Professional Women’s Foundation: Offers a variety of scholarships for women who are U.S. citizens and are 25 or older. Applicant must demonstrate financial need and have established career goals. Preference given to first generation college students who are in a business related field and are graduating within 12-24 months from receiving the scholarship.
Cargill Scholarship Program: Must be a child of an employee or live in a community where Cargill operates. Apply online
Catching The Dream: Must be an American Indian student of any age from any U.S. tribe and in any U.S. state striving to get an education. All awards based on merit, academic achievement and ambition.
Central Intelligence Agency: Offers internships and fellowships for high school seniors and college sophomores computer science, electrical engineering, economics, foreign language or foreign area studies.
Child of Disabled Veteran Scholarship: The law firm of Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD awards a $1,000 Child of a Disabled Veteran Scholarship each year to one deserving applicant whose parent has a service-connected disability.
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma: Must be a certified member of the Choctaw Nation working toward an Associate Degree or higher. Award amount varies according to GPA.
Christian Record Services, Inc.: Must be legally blind and in an undergraduate program.
Civitan International Foundation: Must be a Civitan or a Civitan’s immediate family member, full time undergraduate or part time graduate student, demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement, financial need and professional objectives.
WEB: Civitan International Foundation
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, Inc. Scholarship awards are based on character, personal merit, and commitment to community service. Scholarship is only available for high school seniors.
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP): Freshman students from migrant or seasonal farm working background working in agricultural activities directly related to the production of crops, dairy products, poultry, or livestock; the cultivation or harvesting of trees; or fish farms. Verification required. Must attend a CAMP campus.
WEB: College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
College Photographer of the Year: Photography competition for undergraduate and graduate students with scholarship funding for the winner. There are also 6 scholarships for different photography categories. One must demonstrate potential in photojournalism, financial need and academic achievement.
College Scholarships for Minority Students: Many different types of scholarships are available to minorities, LGBTQ, and women. These scholarships can be used as a supplement to financial aid or to assist students who are not eligible for federal or state financial aid. Minorities can receive more than one scholarship, so it may be worthwhile to investigate the different organizations having scholarships available. In this section, we take a look at scholarships offered through these groups, including charitable organizations, corporations, institutions, advocacy groups, government and professional associations. We can’t cover them all, however, so look to our scholarship list for more ideas.
Collegiate Inventors Competition: Recognizes and rewards innovations, discoveries and research by college and university students and their faculty advisors. Students frequently come from science, engineering, mathematics and technology studies, but creative invention can emerge from any course of study. The competition also recognizes the working relationship between a student and his or her advisor. Cash award for student and for advisor.
Commercial Capital Training Group Scholarship: Our objective is to award a $1000 scholarship to the winning participant of our competition for the best business essay submission. Details for our current scholarship are below. This scholarship opportunity will be offered annually and the winner will be highlighted on our website along with being presented with $1000 towards their college experience.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Inc. Must be a Latino full-time student and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Must demonstrate financial need, be active in public service-oriented activities and have good writing skills.
The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars: Education or social work students enrolled in a degree program who are planning to work on a reservation are eligible. Preference is given to students with junior status with a minimum GPA of 3.0
Custody X Change: Custody X Change offers an annual scholarship to single parents going to college. This scholarship is merit based, requires an essay submission, and two winning applicants will receive $1,000 dollars towards their costs of education. All of the application details and the 2016 essay question are available on the website.
Daughters of the American Revolution: Several scholarships related to history and nursing. Must obtain letter of sponsorship through local chapter.
Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund: Aids people active in movements for social and economic justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to students who are able to do academic work at the university level and who are active in the progressive movement.
Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting: Pursuing a degree in accounting; aptitude for accounting/business; financial need; clear evidence that the candidate has established goals and a plan for achieving those goals, both professional and personal.
Entomological Society of America Undergraduate Scholarship: Undergraduate students in entomology, zoology, biology or related science. Preference given to students with financial need. Electronic submission only. No paper applications accepted.
WEB: Entomological Society of America Undergraduate Scholarship
ESA Foundation: Must be a woman currently enrolled in college or university who is dependent on continuing education to acquire new skills or update present skills. 3.0 GPA. Multiple scholarships available.
Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund: Must be civilian federal or postal employee with three years of federal service or a dependent family member. Applicants who are dependents must be full-time students. Applicants who are federal or postal employees may be part-time students. Grade point average 3.0. Applications are available Jan-March each year.
Fitwirr Scholarship: The Fitwirr scholarship is an essay based scholarship, and all applicants are required to write a 500 to 1,000 essay on “how to eat healthy” in college.
Fleet Reserve Association & Ladies Auxiliary FRA: Several scholarships. Applicant must be dependent child or spouse or grandchild of active or deceased member of the Fleet Reserve Association.
Foster Care to Success Scholarships: Offers scholarships ranging from $2,000 – $5,000 based on need and merit. Applicantss must have been in public or private foster care for the 12 consecutive months leading up to and including their birthday; OR have been adopted or placed into legal guardianship after their 16th birthday; OR have been orphaned for at least one year at the time of their 18th birthday and not subsequently adopted. Applicant must be under the age of 25 on March 31 of the year in which they apply.
Foundation of Research and Education: Offers various scholarships to students who are members of American Health Information Management Association, GPA of 3.0 or higher, full-time students, and U.S. citizens. Must be accepted to program in HIM, HIT, or to IDP of American Health Information Management
Freedom from Religion Essay Contest: A 5-6 page essay on the experiences that made you a free thinker: (atheist, agnostic). First prize-$2000; Second prize-$1000; Third prize-$500; Honorable mention-$100
Gates Millennium Scholarship Foundation: Scholarships available for minority students who display financial need, have a GPA of 3.3 or higher. Students must demonstrate leadership ability through extracurricular activities, community service or other areas. Scholarship applicants must be nominated by a teacher, peer, or some other person who knows you. Scholarships are available for high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students. Must be a U.S. citizen.
Gates Millennium Scholars
Glamour Magazine: Must be a full-time, female student in their junior year. Candidates are evaluated on their leadership experience, involvement in community and campus affairs, and academic excellence. The cash award is $3,000.
Government Finance Officers Association: GFOA offers two scholarships for students in an accounting program. The first is the Frank L. Greathouse Government Accounting Scholarship: applicants must be a full-time senior preparing for a career in state and local finance. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and be recommended by an academic adviser or department chair. The second scholarship is the Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship: applicants must be full-time, upper division students in public administration, (governmental) accounting, political science, economics, or business administration and should belong to a minority ethnic group and be a U.S. citizen.
John Gyles Education Fund: Applicants must send a SASE for a copy of the application at least a month in advance of the deadlines. Must be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada and have a minimum GPA of 2.7.
Hemophilia Federation of America:
HFA member organizations and funding partners offer annual educational scholarships for bleeding disorders patients and their families to defer costs.
The Heritage Foundation-Lawrence Wade Journalism Fellowship: Must be full time students working toward a degree. Course work may be in other fields if student works in journalism outside of school. The fellowship is for excellence in journalism and preference is given to African-American, Hispanic, Native American, and
Hispanic College Fund, Inc.: Must be a full-time student majoring in an academic area that will lead to a career in business. Applicant must be of Hispanic origin, show financial need, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. The Hispanic College Fund accepts only online applications.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund: (varies) Must be Hispanic, have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher, be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and show financial need. Variety of scholarships.
Hopi Education Endowment Fund: Offers a variety of scholarships for members of the Hopi Tribe. Contact the organization for specific criteria.
HSF/ALPFA Scholarship Program: The Hispanic Scholarship Fund and The Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting provide scholarships for Hispanic heritage students pursuing a degree in an accounting or finance-related field. Must be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Must have earned at least 12 undergraduate units in the US or Puerto Rico. Must be full-time student in college or university.
IHS Film and Fiction Scholarship: The Institute for Human Studies awards scholarships up to $12,000 for undergraduate or graduate study in the United States or abroad. To apply, visit the application website and complete the on-line application. Students will need official score reports from the most recent standardized test (GRE, LSAT, ect.), formatted resume, recommendation letters, and a $25.00 non-refundable application fee.
Immune Deficiency Foundation: Open to individuals with a diagnosed primary immune deficiency as classified by the World Health Organization. Only students attending or entering an undergraduate program may apply.
Indian Affairs-Displaced Homemaker Scholarship: The Association on American Indian Affairs offers Displaced Homemaker Scholarships in the amount of $1,500 each to those men and women who would not otherwise be able to complete their educational goals due to family responsibilities. This scholarship is for older students who have put off college to raise their children, students who are entering or are returning to college when their children enter school, men or women who have been divorced and had to leave college to care for their children and are now returning, etc. Funds may be used to assist with child care, transportation, and basic living. Students are eligible to apply on a yearly basis. Essay required.
Indian Health Service: Must be an American Indian student attending a health care preparatory or professional program.
Indian Health Service Scholarship Branch,
Institute for Humane Studies: Must be full-time student with junior or senior standing. Must have a clearly demonstrated interest in the classical liberal/libertarian tradition of individual rights and market economies with an interest in applying the principles of this tradition to a career.
International Association of Fire Fighters: Must be a son, daughter or legally adopted child of fire fighters who was a member of the International Association of Fire Fighters and died in the line of duty.
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers: Must be an IAM member or a child of an IAM member in good standing. Begin accepting applications in August for awards available the following fall.
The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers: Must be a high school senior and a child or grandchild of an IFPTE member in good standing. Must be planning to attend an accredited two or four year accredited college or university or trade school.
International Society of Women Airline Pilots: Offers a variety of scholarships and grants for women pursuing a career as an airline pilot. Must meet ISA flight hour requirements.
WEB: International Society of Women Airline Pilots
International Students Scholarship: Database listed by country of origin and area of interest.
Iota Sigma Pi National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry: Must be female and be nominated by members of the institution’s faculty.
IREM Foundation-Institute of Real Estate Management: Variety of scholarships relating to real estate. Applications available on-line to download. Must be studying either property management CPM designation/ARM certification, or minority students who plan to enter real estate management. Mail applications to:
ISV Magazine Margaret W. Wong Scholarship: We award this scholarship through an essay competition. We announce all the details on the ISV Magazine app. To learn how to apply for this scholarship, you will need to download the ISV Magazine app on a mobile device. *This scholarship is awarded to one student in the fall and one student in the spring.*
WEB: ISV Magazine Margaret W. Wong Scholarship
Japanese American Citizens League: Various undergraduate and graduate scholarships available to members of the JACL. To find out about membership, contact the organization.
WEB: Japanese American Citizens League
Jaycee War Memorial Fund Scholarship Program: Scholarships for students who possess academic potential and leadership traits and demonstrate financial need. Must be a U.S. citizen. Send a SASE and $10 application fee between July 1 and February 1 to receive application.
WEB: (Type the word Scholarship in the search engine)
Joe Cleres Memorial Scholarship: Available to students with disabilities. Application available on-line. Applicant must submit essay describing how the applicant has met the challenges of their disability; a description of the severity must be included as well as one page of supporting documentation. Mail applications to:
Judith Siegel Pearson Award: An annual prize for the best creative or scholarly work on a subject concerning women.
English Dept. Wayne State University
The Kosciuszko Foundation: This scholarship supports semester and year long Polish language studies with funding from the Polish Ministry of Education and Sports and the Kosciuszko Foundation. Studies take place at the Center of Polish Language and Culture in the World, Jagiellonian University, Cracow. The scholarship includes acceptance to the program, a tuition waiver, and a stipend for housing and living expenses. Air fare is not included. Students must be U.S. citizens, of Polish decent, with a GPA of 3.0 or better, and be involved with the Polish community.
Lagrant Foundation: Scholarship available to undergraduate and non-graduating seniors with full-time status at a four-year accredited institution; with GPA of 2.75; and majoring in a field of study with an emphasis on public relations, marketing or advertising, or must minor in communications with a desire to pursue a career in public relations, marketing, or advertising. Applicants must write a two-page essay outlining his/her career goals and what steps he/she will take to increase the lack of ethnic representation in the fields of advertising, marketing and public relations. Applicants must be members of the following ethnic groups: African American, Asian Pacific American, Hispanic, or Native American/Alaska Native.
Landscape Architecture Foundation: Various scholarships geared toward students studying landscape design, landscape architecture, residential design, lighting design or landscape studies. Some scholarships are specifically for women and/or minorities.
LEAGUE Foundation: LEAGUE Foundation scholarships are awarded to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender students who will be attending accredited two- or four-year colleges and universities. Each year, awards are made to those applicants whose combined academic histories, personal plans and community service records are deemed to show leadership and concern for others. Qualifications for applicants include being a U.S. citizen or legal resident of the U.S., current high school senior already accepted for a full-time study at an accredited two- or four-year college, identify oneself as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender person, GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (in high school), actively and substantially involvement in community service, recent letters of recommendation and support from three sponsors about your abilities and accomplishments, copy of your high-school transcript, copy of your college or university acceptance letter, and two personal essays.
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC): Must be Hispanic student enrolled in accredited college or university. Must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident. Must have GPA of 3.5 for National Scholastic Achievement Award or a GPA of 3.25 for an Honor Award.
Lawsuit Legal American Nursing Support Scholarship: Lawsuit Legal is pleased to announce an annual award of $1,500 being made available to nursing students (undergraduate or graduate) and actively employed RN’s seeking to advance their education in the health care / medical field. The program will be awarded for the first time in 2016, and availability will continue annually to provide financial support to qualified applicants seeking excellence.
The Leonard M. Perryman Communication Scholarship for Ethnic Minorities: Must be a U.S. citizen who is an ethnic minority and intends to pursue a career in religious journalism and mass communication. Must be a United Methodist member. To receive an application packet contact:
Lilly Reintegration Scholarship: Must be diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder and currently receiving medical treatment for the disease, including medications and psychiatric follow-up. Must be working toward an undergraduate degree.
The Life Coach Spotter: At Life Coach Spotter, we strongly believe in education and improving your life with all of the resources that are available to you. While you have been getting your academic education throughout your life, you have already learned many life lessons along the way. Life has many lessons to teach us, and many of those lessons come in the form of setbacks, challenges, and hurdles that we have to overcome. Please write a 800-1,500 word essay about a personal story of the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome in your life. Be real and authentic. What was the hardest part? How did you overcome it? What life lessons have you learned as a result? Along with the essay, please record a 5 to 15 minute video of yourself telling your story that you wrote about in your essay. In your video, explain what your essay was about and summarize it. Talk about the key points. Be honest, come from the heart. Typically one take videos that are not rehearsed are the best. Submit proof of enrollment or an acceptance letter in an accredited university that is listed on the official website of the U.S. Department of Education.
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund: Must be a woman at least 25 years of age who is a national of a developing country and not a U.S. green card holder. Must demonstrate a commitment to improving the lives of women and children in their home country. Must reside in the U.S. at the time of application with plans to return to home country in two years; demonstrate financial need; and enrolled in an accredited U.S. educational institution. Eligible countries determined by the World Bank Group.
Marine Corps Scholarships: Applicants must be the son or daughter of: an active duty or reserve U.S. Marine, a U.S. Marine who has received an Honorable Discharge, Medical Discharge, or was killed while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, an active duty or reserve U.S. Navy Corpsman who is serving, or has served, with the U.S. Marine Corp, a U.S. Navy Corpsman who has served with the U.S. Marine Corps and has received an Honorable Discharge, Medical Discharge, or was killed while serving in the U.S. Navy. Student must be a high school graduate or undergraduate attending an accredited college or post secondary vocation with a 2.0 GPA.
Military Order of the Purple Heart: Must be a child, grandchild, or spouse of a MOPH member, be a U.S. citizen, be a graduate of an accredited high school, be enrolled full time, and have a minimum GPA of 3.5
WEB: Military Order of the Purple Heart
Mile High Youth Corps: Paid internship for individuals between the ages of 17-24. Individuals will work for AmeriCorps state through Mile High Youth Corps. Members of this AmeriCorps program will have the opportunity to help make a difference in the areas of environment, domestic violence, hunger, and homelessness issues. AmeriCorps members make an 11 month commitment and receive a living allowance of $9,050, health insurance, and education award up to $4,725 upon completion of program. Apply on-line.
NAACP: Several scholarships awarded in field of education, mathematics, or engineering. Membership and participation highly desirable.
United Negro College Fund
National Association for Campus Activities – Regional Council Student Leader Scholarship: Must be an undergraduate student in good standing at time of application. Applicants must hold significant leadership positions on their campuses. Must have made a significant contribution to their campus communities, and demonstrated leadership skills and ability.
National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.: Must be an ethnic minority who is currently enrolled full time as an undergraduate freshman, sophomore, or junior or a full time graduate student enrolled in finance, business, Masters level accounting, or taxation. Must be a member of NABA and membership dues are required. Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 for the TDC scholarship and a 3.5 for all other scholarships. Scholarships presented at NABA’s Annual National Convention.
National Association of Black Journalists: Must be an African American student who is currently attending an accredited four-year institution and majoring in journalism. Variety of scholarships with separate criteria. Must be a NABJ member.
National Association of Hispanic Journalists: Must be a full time Hispanic student pursuing a career as a print, photo, broadcast, or on-line journalist.
WEB: National Association of Hispanic Journalists
National Association of Women in Construction: Must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree in a construction related field with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the state of Colorado. Must be committed to a career in a construction related field.
National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)/Research & Education Foundation: Students must be members of NATA by November of the year proceeding the scholarship deadline. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 and be enrolled in a NATA approved curriculum (see folder for info.) Applicants should apply in their junior year and should have intentions to have a career in athletic training.
National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum: For artists between the ages of 18 and 35. Must be a US citizen. Must be dedicated to fostering high standards in the study of form, color, drawing, painting, design and technique, as these are expressed in modes showing patent affinity with the classical tradition of western culture. Must submit digital images on a disk representing the best examples of your work.
National Federation of the Blind: (March) Must be legally blind and pursuing an undergraduate degree. All scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, service to the community, and financial need. A variety of scholarships are available.
National Federation of Music Clubs: (various) A variety of scholarships for music students. Many different scholarships with different criteria, please contact organization for details.
National Federation of Republican Women: (June) National Pathfinders Award is for undergraduate women who are sophomores, juniors or seniors or women who are enrolled in a Masters program. Betty Rendel Scholarship is for undergraduate Republican women who are majoring in political science, government or economics. Must have completed at least two years of college and be a U.S. citizen.
National Federation of State Poetry Societies: Students will be judged on the submission of ten original poems (see the application for the requirements of these poems). There are two scholarships offered, each for $500.
National Health Service Corps: (June) Scholarships available for U.S. allopathic or osteopathic medical school, nurse practitioner or nurse-midwifery program or bachelors’ or master’s degree physician assistant program. Must be a U.S. citizen.
National Hemophilia Foundation: (May) Several scholarships for persons with hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease. Please refer to file for specifics.
National Hispanic Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees: Must be a minority or woman accepted at or attending an accredited college, university or vocational or trade school at the time scholarship is awarded.
National Hook-Up of Black Women, Inc. Scholarship: Awarded to mature African American women (at least twenty-five years of age and older) who are returning to college without the support of a spouse. These candidates may have dropped out of college to seek employment or care for their children. The eligibility requirements are outlined in the current annual application.
WEB: National Hook-Up of Black Women, Inc. Scholarship
National Institute for Labor Relations Research: Must be majoring in journalism and demonstrate scholastic ability and financial need. Must demonstrate an interest in and knowledge of the Right to Work principle.
National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program: Scholarships for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who are studying biomedical, behavioral and social science health related research. Must be a U.S. citizen and have a GPA of 3.5 or better.
National Italian American Foundation: Several scholarships available for Italian American students who demonstrate outstanding potential and high academic achievements.
National Press Photographers Foundation: NPPF scholarships are awarded to encourage those with the talent and dedication to photojournalism and who need financial help to continue their studies. These awards are directed toward those studying full-time or returning to college. Must demonstrate potential in photojournalism, financial need and academic achievement.
National Restaurant Association: Must major in a food service/hospitality program, be a full-time student, have 1,000 hours of work experience in the food service /hospitality industry, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0
WEB: National Restaurant Association
National Sculpture Society: Various scholarships for students majoring in the medium of sculpture.
Scholarships National Sculpture Society
National Society of Professional Engineers: Offers a variety of scholarships for students majoring in engineering. Applicants must be sponsored by a NSPE/PEI member. Students who are children, dependents, or relatives of NSPE members are given preference in the scholarship selection process.
National Student Nurses’ Association: Several scholarships open to nursing or pre-nursing students pursuing a degree.
Native American Journalist Association: For Native American students majoring in print, broadcast, photojournalism, or journalism. Must have a FAFSA on file. Must be a member of NAJA (only a $20 fee to do this).
Navajo Nation Finance and Accounting Scholarship Project: Must be a member of the Navajo Nation majoring in finance and accounting. Must be a full-time student with a B average or better. Scholarship is based on academic accomplishment and not financial need. Participants are strongly encouraged to return to the Navajo Nation to work within the Navajo Nation Government. Contact the Navajo Nation for application.
WEB: Navajo Nation Finance and Accounting Scholarship Project
Non-Commissioned Officers Association: Must be the spouse or child (under the age of 25) of a non-commissioned officer and be a member of NCOA.
WEB: Non-Commissioned Officers Association
Osage Tribal Education Committee: Must be Osage Indian with a certificate of degree of Indian blood (DCIB);
Palantir Women in Technology Scholarship: Open to undergraduate students who identify as female and are pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM).
Planet DISH: Planet DISH, one of the nation’s largest DISH Network retailers, is excited to offer a $500 college scholarship to both incoming freshmen and current students! The scholarship renews semi-annually in the fall and spring semesters, giving students 2 opportunities yearly to secure the scholarship. Applicants must complete a 500-word essay which encourages critical thinking.
PFLAG National Scholarship Program: PFLAG is proud to support articulate, accomplished scholars with great promise for future contribution to our society in general and to the cause of rights and recognition for LGBT people in particular. You are eligible if you self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) or as a straight ally, you demonstrate an interest in service to the LGBT community and you have applied to an accredited higher education institution.
Phi Delta Kappa International: Variety of scholarships for students majoring in education or Phi Delta Kappa members wanting to participate in the International Travel Program.
WEB: Phi Delta Kappa International
Point Foundation: Must be either an active member of the LGBT community or a contributor to the LGBT community in the form of leadership and dedication. Must be a US citizen. Apply on-line.
Presbyterian Church-Programs for Higher Education: Variety of scholarships for members of a Presbyterian church.
Print and Graphics Scholarship Program: Student must be pursuing a career in graphic communication, printing or publishing. Student must be enrolled in a two or four year accredited graphics or printing program at a technical school, college or university. Also, must be a full-time student with a minimum GPA. of 3.0.
Public Relations Society of America – PRSSA Multicultural Affairs Scholarship: Scholarships available for minorities in the field of communications attending a four-year accredited college or university. Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses.
Radio and Television News Directors Foundation: (May) Must be officially enrolled at an accredited college and have at least one full academic year remaining. Must have at least sophomore standing. Various scholarships available for those interested in radio and/or television broadcast.
Ralph K. Hillquist Honorary SAE Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be U.S. citizens enrolled full-time as a junior in a U.S. university as of October 1st of the academic year. A minimum 3.0 GPA with significant academic and leadership achievements is required. The student must also have a declared major in mechanical engineering or an automotive-related engineering discipline. Apply online.
Jeannette Rankin Foundation: Must be female, 35 years or older, a U.S. citizen, and be accepted or enrolled in a vocational training or an undergraduate program. Applicant must be pursuing their first degree. Critical financial need is the main criteria for selecting awardees.
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic: Apply online. Must be legally blind, member of RFB&D for one year prior to applying, a college senior, and have a GPA of 3.0 or better. presented to Learning Ally members who are blind or visually impaired and have received, or will be receiving their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree. The awards are given in recognition of academic excellence, outstanding leadership, and service to others. Application includes a 1000 word essay, two letters of recommendation, and your official transcripts. Mail materials to:
Rotary International: Several Scholarships and international travel/education programs.
Leopold Schepp Foundation: Applicants must be citizens of the U.S. or permanent residents and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Award is based on character, ability, and financial need. Undergraduate age limit is 30. To receive an application the applicant must write the Leopold Schepp Foundation. A personal interview in New York is part of the application process.
Sertoma: Student must have a clinically significant bilateral hearing loss. Must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program with a 3.2 GPA.
Attn: Hard of Hearing or Deaf Scholarship Program
WEB: Sertoma
Service Employees International Union: Must be a spouse or child of a SEIU member in good standing. Offers a variety of scholarships for full-time students attending an accredited college, university or trade school.
Skincare Ox: The Skin Care Ox: Beauty + Wellness Scholarship program was established to provide financial support to college women who are striving to lead healthy lifestyles.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists: Offers scholarships for students studying geophysics
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers: Offers scholarships for Hispanic engineering students.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers: Full-time students studying manufacturing engineering, manufacturing technology or a related field may apply for various scholarships based on what state you attend college in. Please refer to website for specific criteria for each scholarship.
Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists: Offers a variety of scholarships to its members.
Society of Women Engineers: Offers numerous scholarships for women engineering or computer science majors who are currently in the specified year that the scholarship asks. Students must have a 3.5 GPA or higher.
Soroptimist International: The Women’s Opportunity Award is open to female heads of household who demonstrate financial need and are motivated to achieve educational and career goals. Must be attending college. Must be a club-level receipt to be eligible for additional awards. Note: This is a monetary award that is taxable.
STEPS Scholarships & Resources for LGBTQIA+ Students: This is a list put together by STEPS (Student Training in Education & Public Service) of several scholarships in multiple areas of education & research for LGBTQIA+ students. Each scholarship has individual deadlines and requirements. Applications, requirements, and instructions are available online, with each listing.
The National Italian American Foundation: Students either of Italian decent who demonstrate outstanding potential and high academic achievements; or student from any ethnic background majoring or minoring in Italian language, Italian studies, Italian American studies, or a related field. Must be enrolled in a U.S. accredited institution of higher learning for Fall; have a GPA of 3.5 or higher; and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Applications are to be submitted only online.
Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship: For graduating seniors or recent graduates. Applicants must have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.2 or higher and must be interested in becoming Foreign Service Officers in the U.S. Department of State. They must begin their master’s degree program in the fall of the next academic year. Application available online.
Transtutors: Scholarship limited to institutions in USA/Australia. All majors are eligible. Participant should be at least 13 years of age. Essay should be well researched 800 words article, Non Plagiarized and grammatically correct.
The Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship Stonewall Community Foundation: Applicants are judged on one or more of the following criteria: academic excellence, outstanding community service, and commitment to impacting the LGBT issues. Leadership, merit, professional and personal goals will all be considered. Applicants must be lesbian-identified and either high school seniors, undergraduates, or graduate students.
Harry S. Truman Foundation: Must be nominated by the college and be a junior or senior working toward a career in government or public service and show an exemplary community service record.
Tylenol Scholarship Fund: Many scholarships available for graduate and undergraduate level study at an accredited two or four year college or university or a vocational-technical school. Selection based on academic record, leadership responsibilities in school and community, those who are majoring in a health related course of study, and a clear statement of education goals.
Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults Matt Stauffer Memorial Scholarship supports the financial needs of college students who are battling, or have overcome cancer and who display financial need. Marilyn Yetso Memorial Scholarship supports the financial needs of college students who have a parent who has cancer or is a survivor of cancer, or who have lost a parent to cancer and who display a financial need.
Union Plus Scholarship: Must be a spouse or dependent of a union participating in the Union Plus program. Participating union members from Puerto Rico, Canada, Guam and Virgin Islands and U.S. citizens are eligible.
United Negro College Fund: Must be African American student in junior year 2002-2003, majoring in the life or physical sciences and interested in biomedical research. Must have a GPA of 3.3 and be a U. S. citizen or permanent resident.
Thomas Wolfe Student Essay Prize: All essays must be related to Thomas Wolfe or his works. Recipient will receive an invitation to read the winning entry at the annual meeting of the Thomas Wolfe Society, as well as publication of the winning entry in The Thomas Wolfe Review.
Veterans and Military Family Scholarship: The team at George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers values military members’ service to our nation. It is a profound, yet often overlooked sacrifice. In recognition of our nation’s servicemembers and their families, twice per year our firm bestows a $1,000 scholarship upon a hard-working U.S. college student who is an active duty servicemember, a veteran, or a spouse or child of an active duty or retired servicemember. High school seniors and graduates as well as undergraduate and graduate students may apply.
Women Band Directors International: Scholarships for women enrolled in a music program with the intention of being a band director. Apply online.
Women In Aviation: Scholarship applicants must be enrolled in Women In Aviation Program and must not apply for no more than two scholarships. Applicants must reference individual application for specific qualifications.
Women In Aviation, International Scholarship
Women In Defense: Must be a U.S. citizen and obtained junior year status in an accredited university. Must be pursuing a career in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Business, Law, International Relations, Political Science, Operations Research, or Economics. Others will be considered if the applicant can successfully demonstrate relevance to a career in the areas of national security or defense. Minimum required GPA of 3.25
WEB: Women In Defense
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America: The Dr. George and Emma J. Torrison Scholarship Fund provides grants for men and women who intend to pursue careers in medicine and have been accepted in a medical school. The donors had a particular concern to encourage persons whose careers would lead them toward working to alleviate currently incurable diseases.
Women’s Research and Education Institute: Offers a fellowship to enable women graduate students to work in the field in a congressional office. This is not a loan program.
Women’s Sports Foundation Journalism Awards: Scholarships for female students majoring in either Physical Education, Sports Management, Sports Psychology, or Sports Sociology with means to attend graduate school.
World Studio Foundation: Provides scholarships to minority and economically disadvantaged students who are studying the design/arts disciplines. Recipients are selected for ability and need and for demonstrated commitment to giving back to the larger community through their work.
Writers of the Future: New and amateur writers of new short stories or novelettes of science fiction or fantasy. Original, unpublished prose up to 17,000 words. No works intended for children. May submit quarterly.
Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship: Scholarship for minority students enrolled in one of the technical sciences or engineering disciplines. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident visa.
Zonta International/Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship: Must be a woman pursuing business degree at the undergraduate level. International scholars will be chosen from the district recipients. Women of any nationality are eligible. Must be eligible to enter the third or fourth year of an undergraduate degree program. Must have achieved an outstanding academic record and demonstrate intent to complete a program in business. To apply, please contact the Zonta Club nearest you or e-mail your name and contact information to Zonta International Headquarters. The local Zonta Club must nominate applicants.
WEB: Zonta International/Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship