2024/2025 Costs for School of Health and Human Sciences Graduate Programs

Masters of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics Tuition & Fees - RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (8 Credits) Full Year (16 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,208 $8,416
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,325 $32,893
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (8 Credits) Full Year (16 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,208 $8,416
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,105 $27,097
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (8 Credits) Full Year (16 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,208 $8,416
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,111 $34,195

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

Resident/WRGP Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $550.00 $358.20 $908.20
2 $1,100 $394.70 $1,494.70
3 $1,650.00 $431.20 $2,081.20
4 $2,200.00 $480.20 $2,680.20
5 $2,750.00 $516.70 $3,266.70
6 $3,300.00 $588.20 $3,888.20
7 $3,850.00 $640.10 $4,490.10
8 $4,400.00 $676.60 $5,076.60
9 $4,950.00 $713.10 $5,663.10
10 $5,500.00 $749.60 $6,249.60
11 $6,050.00 $786.10 $6,836.10
12 $6,600.00 $846.50 $7,446.50
13 $7,150.00 $883.00 $8,033.00
14 $7,700.00 $919.50 $8,619.50
15 $8,250.00 $956.00 $9,206.00

Masters of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics Tuition & Fees - NON RESIDENT Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (8 Credits) Full Year (16 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,808 $9,616
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,925 $34,093
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (8 Credits) Full Year (16 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,808 $9,616
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,705 $28,297
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (8 Credits) Full Year (16 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,808 $9,616
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,711 $35,395

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $650.00 $358.20 $1,008.20
2 $1,300.00 $394.70 $1,694.70
3 $1,950.00 $431.20 $2,381.20
4 $2,600.00 $480.20 $3,080.20
5 $3,250.00 $516.70 $3,766.70
6 $3,900.00 $588.20 $4,488.20
7 $4,550.00 $640.10 $5,190.10
8 $5,200.00 $676.60 $5,876.60
9 $5,850.00 $713.10 $6,563.10
10 $6,500.00 $749.60 $7,249.60
11 $7,150.00 $786.10 $7,936.10
12 $7,800.00 $846.50 $8,646.50
13 $8,450.00 $883.00 $9,333.00
14 $9,100.00 $919.50 $10,019.50
15 $9,750.00 $956.00 $10,706.00


Nutrition and Dietetic Internship Tuition & Fees - RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,208 $8,416
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,325 $32,893
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,208 $8,416
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,105 $27,097
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,208 $8,416
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,111 $34,195

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

Resident/WRGP Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $600.00 $358.20 $958.20
2 $1,200.00 $394.70 $1,594.70
3 $1,800.00 $431.20 $2,231.20
4 $2,400.00 $480.20 $2,880.20
5 $3,000.00 $516.70 $3,516.70
6 $3,600.00 $588.20 $4,188.20
7 $4,200.00 $640.10 $4,840.10
8 $4,800.00 $676.60 $5,476.60
9 $5,400.00 $713.10 $6,113.10
10 $6,000.00 $749.60 $6,749.60
11 $6,600.00 $786.10 $7,386.10
12 $7,200.00 $846.50 $8,046.50
13 $7,800.00 $883.00 $8,683.00
14 $8,400.00 $919.50 $9,319.50
15 $9,000.00 $956.00 $9,956.00

Nutrition and Dietetic Internship Tuition & Fees - NON-RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,862 $9,724
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,979 $34,201
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,862 $9,724
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,759 $28,405
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,862 $9,724
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,765 $35,503

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $709.00 $358.20 $1,067.20
2 $1,418.00 $394.70 $1,812.70
3 $2,127.00 $431.20 $2,558.20
4 $2,836.00 $480.20 $3,316.20
5 $3,545.00 $516.70 $4,061.70
6 $4,254.00 $588.20 $4,842.20
7 $4,963.00 $640.10 $5,603.10
8 $5,672.00 $676.60 $6,348.60
9 $6,381.00 $713.10 $7,094.10
10 $7,090.00 $749.60 $7,839.60
11 $7,799.00 $786.10 $8,585.10
12 $8,508.00 $846.50 $9,354.50
13 $9,217.00 $883.00 $10,100.00
14 $9,926.00 $919.50 $10,845.00
15 $10,635.00 $956.00 $11,591.00

Ready to Explore More?

Nutrition and Dietetic Internship


Masters of Social Work Tuition & Fees - RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (15 Credits) Full Year (30 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $8,874 $17,748
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $21,991 $42,225
    With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
    Cost Type Semester (15 Credits) Full Year (30 Credits)
    Tuition and Fees $8,874 $17,748
    Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
    Housing $4,680 $8,424
    Food $1,535 $2,763
    Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
    Loan Fees $47 $94
    Transportation $860 $1,548
    Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
    Total $18,771 $36,429
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (15 Credits) Full Year (30 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $8,874 $17,748
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $21,777 $43,527

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

Resident/WRGP Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $510.00 $358.20 $868.20
2 $1,020.00 $394.70 $1,414.70
3 $1,530.00 $431.20 $1,961.20
4 $2,040.00 $480.20 $2,520.00
5 $2,550.00 $516.70 $3,066.70
6 $3,060.00 $588.20 $3,648.20
7 $3,570.00 $640.10 $4,210.10
8 $4,080.00 $676.60 $4,756.60
9 $4,590.00 $713.10 $5,303.10
10 $5,100.00 $749.60 $5,849.60
11 $5,610.00 $786.10 $6,396.10
12 $6,120.00 $846.50 $6,966.50
13 $6,630.00 $883.00 $7,513.00
14 $7,140.00 $919.50 $8,059.50
15 $7,650.00 $956.00 $8,606.00

Masters of Social Work - NON RESIDENT Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (15 Credits) Full Year (30 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $12,026 $24,052
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $25,143 $48,529
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (15 Credits) Full Year (30 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $12,026 $24,052
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $21,923 $42,733
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (15 Credits) Full Year (30 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $12,026 $24,052
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $24,929 $49,831

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $714.00 $358.20 $1,072.20
2 $1,428.00 $394.70 $1,822.70
3 $2,142.00 $431.20 $2,573.20
4 $2,856.00 $480.20 $3,336.20
5 $3,570.00 $516.70 $4,086.70
6 $4,284.00 $588.20 $4,872.20
7 $4,998.00 $640.10 $5,638.10
8 $5,712.00 $676.60 $6,388.60
9 $6,426.00 $713.10 $7,139.10
10 $7,140.00 $749.60 $7,889.60
11 $7,854.00 $786.10 $8,640.10
12 $8,568.00 $846.50 $9,414.50
13 $9,282.00 $883.00 $10,165.00
14 $9,996.00 $919.50 $10,915.50
15 $10,710.00 $956.00 $11,666.00

Ready to Explore More?

Master of Social Work


Masters of Health Administration Tuition & Fees - RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $3,916 $7,832
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,033 $32,309
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $3,916 $7,832
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $13,813 $26,513
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $3,916 $7,832
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $16,819 $33,611

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

Resident/WRGP Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $525.00 $358.20 $883.20
2 $1,050.00 $394.70 $1,444.70
3 $1,575.00 $431.20 $2,006.20
4 $2,100.00 $480.20 $2,580.00
5 $2,625.00 $516.70 $3,141.70
6 $3,150.00 $588.20 $3,738.20
7 $3,675.00 $640.10 $4,315.10
8 $4,200.00 $676.60 $4,876.60
9 $4,725.00 $713.10 $5,438.10
10 $5,250.00 $749.60 $5,999.60
11 $5,775.00 $786.10 $6,561.10
12 $6,300.00 $846.50 $7,146.50
13 $6,825.00 $883.00 $7,708.00
14 $7,350.00 $919.50 $8,269.50
15 $7,875.00 $956.00 $8,831.00

Masters of Health Administration - NON RESIDENT Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,078 $8,156
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,195 $32,6334,078
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,078 $8,156
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $13,975 $26,837
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,078 $8,156
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $16,981 $33,935

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $550.80 $358.20 $909.00
2 $1,101.60 $394.70 $1,496.30
3 $1,652.40 $431.20 $2,083.60
4 $2,203.20 $480.20 $2,683.40
5 $2,754.00 $516.70 $3,270.70
6 $3,304.80 $588.20 $3,893.00
7 $3,855.60 $640.10 $4,495.70
8 $4,406.40 $676.60 $5,083.00
9 $4,957.20 $713.10 $5,670.30
10 $5,508.00 $749.60 $6,257.60
11 $6,058.80 $786.10 $6,844.90
12 $6,609.60 $846.50 $7,456.10
13 $7,160.40 $883.00 $8,043.40
14 $7,711.20 $919.50 $8,630.70
15 $8,262.00 $956.00 $9,218.00

Ready to Explore More?

Master of Health Administration


Master of Science in Clinical Behavioral Health Tuition & Fees - RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,118 $8,236
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,235 $32,713
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,118 $8,236
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,015 $26,917
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,118 $8,236
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,021 $34,015

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

Resident/WRGP Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $585.00 $358.20 $943.20
2 $1,107.00 $394.70 $1,564.70
3 $1,755.00 $431.20 $2,186.20
4 $2,340.00 $480.20 $2,820.20
5 $2,925.00 $516.70 $3,441.70
6 $3,510.00 $588.20 $4,098.20
7 $4,095.00 $640.10 $4,735.10
8 $4,680.00 $676.60 $5,356.60
9 $5,265.00 $713.10 $5,978.10
10 $5,850.00 $749.60 $6,599.60
11 $6,435.00 $786.10 $7,221.10
12 $7,020.00 $846.50 $7,866.50
13 $7,605.00 $883.00 $8,488.00
14 $8,190.00 $919.50 $9,109.50
15 $8,775.00 $956.00 $9,731.00

Master of Science in Clinical Behavioral Health Tuition & Fees - NON-RESIDENT Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,808 $9,616
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,925 $34,093
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,808 $9,616
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,705 $28,297
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,808 $9,616
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,711 $35,395

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $700.00 $358.20 $1,058.20
2 $1,400.00 $394.70 $1,794.70
3 $2,100.00 $431.20 $2,531.20
4 $2,800.00 $480.20 $3,280.20
5 $3,500.00 $516.70 $4,016.70
6 $4,200.00 $588.20 $4,788.20
7 $4,900.00 $640.10 $5,540.10
8 $5,600.00 $676.60 $6,276.60
9 $6,300.00 $713.10 $7,013.10
10 $7,000.00 $749.60 $7,746.60
11 $7,700.00 $786.10 $8,486.10
12 $8,400.00 $846.50 $9,246.50
13 $9,100.00 $883.00 $9,983.00
14 $9,800.00 $919.50 $10,719.50
15 $10,500.00 $956.00 $11,456.00


Master of Speech-Language Pathology Tuition & Fees - RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,298 $8,596
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,415 $33,073
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,298 $8,596
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,195 $27,277
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,298 $8,596
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,201 $34,375

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

Resident/WRGP Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $615.00 $358.20 $973.20
2 $1,230.00 $394.70 $1,624.70
3 $1,845.00 $431.20 $2,276.20
4 $2,460.00 $480.20 $2,940.20
5 $3,075.00 $516.70 $3,591.70
6 $3,690.00 $588.20 $4,278.20
7 $4,305.00 $640.10 $4,945.10
8 $4,920.00 $676.60 $5,596.60
9 $5,535.00 $713.10 $6,248.10
10 $6,150.00 $749.60 $6,899.60
11 $6,765.00 $786.10 $7,551.10
12 $7,380.00 $846.50 $8,226.50
13 $7,995.00 $883.00 $8,878.00
14 $8,610.00 $919.50 $9,529.50
15 $9,225.00 $956.00 $10,181.00

Master of Speech-Language Pathology - NON-RESIDENT Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $5,108 $10,216
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $18,225 $34,693
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $5,108 $10,216
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,254 $27,549
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $5,108 $10,216
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $18,011 $35,995

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $750.00 $358.20 $1,108.20
2 $1,500.00 $394.70 $1,894.70
3 $2,250.00 $431.20 $2,681.20
4 $3,000.00 $480.20 $3,480.20
5 $3,750.00 $516.70 $4,266.70
6 $4,500.00 $588.20 $5,088.20
7 $5,250.00 $640.10 $5,890.10
8 $6,000.00 $676.60 $6,676.60
9 $6,750.00 $713.10 $7,463.10
10 $7,500.00 $749.60 $8,249.60
11 $8,250.00 $786.10 $9,036.10
12 $9,000.00 $846.50 $9,846.50
13 $9,750.00 $883.00 $10,633.00
14 $10,500.00 $919.50 $11,419.50
15 $11,250.00 $956.00 $12,206.00

Ready to Explore More?

Master of Speech-Language Pathology


Master of Science in Cybersecurity Tuition & Fees - RESIDENT/WRGP Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $3,908 $7,816
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $17,025 $32,293
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $3,908 $7,816
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $13,805 $26,497
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $3,908 $7,816
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $16,811 $33,595

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

Resident/WRGP Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $500.00 $358.20 $858.20
2 $1,000.00 $394.70 $1,394.70
3 $1,500.00 $431.20 $1,931.20
4 $2,000.00 $480.20 $2,480.20
5 $2,500.00 $516.70 $3,016.70
6 $3,000.00 $588.20 $3,588.20
7 $3,500.00 $640.10 $4,140.10
8 $4,000.00 $676.60 $4,676.60
9 $4,500.00 $713.10 $5,213.10
10 $5,000.00 $749.60 $5,749.60
11 $5,500.00 $786.10 $6,286.10
12 $6,000.00 $846.50 $6,846.50
13 $6,500.00 $883.00 $7,383.00
14 $7,000.00 $919.50 $7,919.50
15 $7,500.00 $956.00 $8,456.00


Master of Science in Cybersecurity Tuition & Fees - NON-RESIDENT Cost of Attendance (COA):

Off-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,958 $9,916
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,965 $12,537
Food $2,360 $4,248
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,746
Total $18,075 $34,393
With Parents/Relatives Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,958 $9,916
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $4,680 $8,424
Food $1,535 $2,763
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $860 $1,548
Total $14,855 $28,597
On-Campus Cost of Attendance
Cost Type Semester (6 Credits) Full Year (12 Credits)
Tuition and Fees $4,958 $9,916
Books and Supplies $730 $1,460
Housing $6,355 $12,710
Food $2,756 $5,512
Health Insurance $1,185 $2,844
Loan Fees $47 $94
Transportation $860 $1,548
Personal Miscellaneous $970 $1,611
Total $17,861 $35,695

Estimates are provided for general planning purposes only. Actual costs may vary.

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $725.00 $358.20 $1,083.20
2 $1,450.00 $394.70 $1,844.70
3 $2,175.00 $431.20 $2,606.20
4 $2,900.00 $480.20 $3,380.20
5 $3,625.00 $516.70 $4,141.70
6 $4,350.00 $588.20 $4,938.20
7 $5,075.00 $640.10 $5,715.10
8 $5,800.00 $676.60 $6,476.60
9 $6,525.00 $713.10 $7,238.10
10 $7,250.00 $749.60 $7,999.60
11 $7,975.00 $786.10 $8,761.10
12 $8,700.00 $846.50 $9,546.50
13 $9,425.00 $883.00 $10,308.00
14 $10,150.00 $919.50 $11,069.50
15 $10,875.00 $956.00 $11,831.00

Ready to Explore More?

Master of Science in Cybersecurity
