Explore Graduate Programs
Whether you are an interested undergraduate, alum or returning graduate student, discover the diverse graduate programs offered around Colorado and here at MSU Denver.
Advance your career and explore the graduate programs offered at MSU Denver and around Colorado.
Whether you are an interested undergraduate, alum or returning graduate student, discover the diverse graduate programs offered around Colorado and here at MSU Denver.
Engage with admissions experts from 15 Colorado schools.
Learn about prerequisites and processes for graduate program admissions.
Tivoli Turnhalle opens at 10 A.M.
The Colorado Graduate School Fair is held in Tivoli Turnhalle on the west side of the Tivoli Student Union on the Auraria Campus. Please use the map below to find your way.
Tivoli Turnhalle
Tivoli Student Union, Floor 1, Room 250
900 Auraria Parkway
Denver, CO 80204
Between public transportation and FREE parking on campus, there are plenty of ways to access MSU Denver on the Auraria Campus.
Park for free anywhere on campus (excluding the first floor of 7th Street Garage). Parking code will be sent after registering.
Preferred lots: Tivoli Garage, Spruce, & Dogwood
For more information or special accommodations, please reach out to Bri W. Brannigan, [email protected]
Email Bri W. Brannigan