The Metropolitan State University of Denver Staff Senate debated the merits of a proposed Community Hour, an initiative that would set aside time each day or week during which no classes are scheduled.  

The proposal aims to boost student engagement, and ultimately retention, by setting aside time for students to participate in campus activities. 

At its Oct. 10 meeting, senators expressed their concerns about the proposed plan and took a poll to gauge the body’s opinions on the initiative. The majority of the poll respondents did not agree with the Community Hour plan as reflected in the decision memo. 

Staff Senate will be represented at an upcoming meeting to further discuss the Community Hour. To share additional feedback, email Ruby Matheny. 

President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., earlier this week announced that she was postponing implementation of Community Hour as she and other leaders reassess it in light of campus-community input, including feedback from Staff Senate. 

In other business, the Staff Senate also welcomed Christopher Bennett, senior director of Strategic Infrastructure and Development, who provided an overview of the recently announced Ballfield Lot project., MSU Denver is collaborating with the Auraria Higher Education Center on the mixed-use development, which will include space for the University’s Classroom to Career Hub, as well as housing for faculty and staff members. The project is in the planning phase and will be used as a recruiting tool to attract and retain employees. See the Staff Senate Oct. 10 notes for details. 


Committee Updates

Executive Committee 

The Student Success Launch committee has been discussing barriers, obstacles, ideas and themes. See the brainstorm list. 

Budget Taskforce 

See the notes from Oct. 6 UPBAC meeting.  

Policy Review Committee 

The committee is focused on the Employee Complaint Policy. Key updates include the removal of the 30-day limit to file a complaint and modified language regarding retaliation. This policy does not include an option for legal representation, so an optional, neutral third party has been suggested. 

Staff Employment Policy and Support Committee 

Gabriel Grinsteiner, assistant director for the Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry, is the contact for questions/concerns regarding policies and complaints.  

HR Business Partners (listed below) can answer questions and address concerns related to policies and procedures. They will also manage the Employee Complaint Policy when it is approved.  

  • Carlos Alcala: Student Affairs.
  • Amy Hamik: Academic Affairs – College of Letters, Arts and Sciences; School of Hospitality and the Provost’s Office.  
  • Tanya Rogowsky: Academic Affairs – College of Health and Applied Sciences, School of Education and College of Business.  
  • Sophia Montano: University Advancement, President’s Office, Athletics, Legal, University Marketing and Communications, Strategy and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.  
  • Liz Wellington: Administrative Branch.

Communication Committee

Use this new link to attend the November Staff Senate meeting. 

Elections Committee

The Staff Senate Restructure Proposal passed during the October working session. Changes to the governing documents will be made available soon. See highlights 

The Elections Committee will begin meeting monthly to prepare for the changes which will go into effect for the upcoming election. 

Recognition and Scholarships Committee

Nominations are open through Dec. 8 for the 2024 Roadrunners Who Soar Awards , including nominations for the Staff Excellence Awards. One winner will be selected in each of the following categories: Administrative, Classified and Student Employee. Learn more about Roadrunners Who Soar.  

JEDI (Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Committee

The 1Book / 1Project / 2 Transform selection for 2023-24 is “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George Johnson. To join the book club or get a copy of the book, email Barbara Fricks-Romero. RSVP for the author keynote and book signing event. For more details, see the event information and add it to your calendar

Community Announcements

October is Socktober. Learn more and donate today.  

The LGBTQ Student Resource Center is hosting listening sessions to gather feedback from transgender, non-binary and gender expansive students, staff and faculty of the Auraria community regarding restroom-related issues.  

One senator position is available in Student Affairs. If interested, email Ruby Matheny, Staff Senate president. 

View the Oct. 10 Meeting Minutes 

Up Next 

The next meeting is scheduled for November 14 and will use the new Teams link.