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While MSU Denver strives to provide a high-quality, accessible education, the Instructional Accessibility Group (IAG) has identified Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics as areas in need of additional support and guidance. To this end, the IAG is creating the Accessibility in STEM Courses FLC.
Led by a member of the Instructional Accessibility Group, this FLC will begin in Fall 2022 and continue through the Spring 2023 semesters. Participants will audit live courses, workshop content and resources, as well as research tools and practices. Ultimately, the FLC will work to identify barriers within STEM education and develop methods for removing them.
The FLC will meet 1-2 times a month (some meetings could last up to 2 hours). Meetings will be scheduled based on participant availability and will be available remotely.
All those interested in applying must email Zach Clark by November 4th. For questions about this FLC or about accessibility in general, please email the IAG.
Learn more about Faculty Learning Communities
What is an FLC: Work with a small group of faculty and staff members to deepen knowledge and skills on a topic of mutual interest. In addition to shared learning and discussion, FLC members work on personal projects that put their new learning into practice.
For information about current FLCs or proposing your own, visit the CTLD’s FLC Page.