Is an essay or personal statement holding you back from applying to graduate school? Have no fear, help is here!
As we are nearing the end of July, we are also soon approaching our final deadline extension to submit a complete Fall ‘24 application for our Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc) program (July 29, 2024).
We’ve noticed that it has been common for incomplete MPAcc applications to have just the required essay/personal statement remaining.
To aid our MPAcc applicants, we’ve partnered with the MSU Denver Writing Center and started hosting a virtual workshop towards the end of each MPAcc application cycle solely focused on this requirement. In these sessions, we share resources and tips for how an MPAcc applicant can put their best self forward with a strong essay, and we answer any remaining questions attendees may have.
Here are some general tips we shared and further discussed in our latest July session:
- Know your audience
- Follow the instructions & answer the prompts
- Outline
- Create a strong opener
- Do your research
- Proofread, proofread, & proofread some more!
Ultimately, the essay/personal statement allows applicants to introduce themselves as a candidate, tying together the other application materials – like transcripts, list of references, resume, and GMAT score reports (if required). Applicants should see this application requirement as a tool to showcase who they are, why they are interested in our MSU Denver MPAcc program, how this program will help them achieve their professional goals, and their plan for successfully managing the demands of graduate education with family and work responsibilities. The MPAcc Committee wants to admit candidates they believe will be successful MPAcc students.
The essay/personal statement also serves as a writing sample. It is key for applicants to read over their essay and edit it before submitting their final version. One MPAcc Committee member suggests applicants read their essay out loud as part of the proofreading process.
Overall, the MPAcc application essay/personal statement requirement is a powerful tool for candidates to showcase why they believe they would be a good addition to our MSU Denver MPAcc program. Applicants have free resources through the Writing Center and the MPAcc Committee clearly outlines what items should be addressed in the essay here.
Complete Fall ‘24 MPAcc applications are now due July 29, 2024 (the final deadline extension), with complete Spring ‘25 applications due by November 18, 2024. More details regarding MPAcc application deadlines and requirements here.
Next time you’re applying to take a next step where an essay is required, remember to see it as an opportunity to shine and share your why!