Common Workday Reports

Worktag reports:

  • Extract fund
  • Extract cost centers
  • Extract custom organizations – auxiliary, financing source (still being tested) and function
  • Extract projects
  • Extract ledger accounts
  • Extract revenue categories
  • Extract spend categories
  • Data validation – programs
  • View Integration Worktag Mapping – shows mapping from Banner to Workday

Budget vs Actual reports:

  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Revenue and Expense
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Expense Only
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Auxiliary
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Fund
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Projects
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Cost Center

Trial Balance – accounting report, ties to budget vs actual reports

Fund balance reports: (typically used for auxiliaries, projects, ICRs, Program Fees, Summer Revenue)

  • MSU – Fund Balance Summary
  • MSU – Fund Balance Summary with Cost Center

Transaction level reports:

  • Find Journal Lines – actuals
  • Find Plan Lines – overall budget loaded as initial and total current budget. May want to use filter options:
    • Filter for only total current budget
    • Exclude revenue
    • Exclude one-time budget
    • Filter by fund and/or other worktags

Other Helpful Reports

MSU – Payroll Distribution Detail – For Company, MSU All Workers Costing Allocation, Find Purchase Order, Find Supplier Contracts, MSU – Purchase Order Lines and Line Splits by Company, Ledger Account Hierarchy

Adaptive Insights and OfficeConnect

Adaptive Insights is a system that is used by the Budget Office and campus for analysis and budget planning purposes. Every morning the system pulls current budget and actuals data from Workday to be available for analysis and reporting and for reference in identifying the budget for the coming fiscal year.

  • Budget vs actual reports are available in Adaptive and mirror those in Workday, but with a slightly different look and feel. Please see the training video for further instruction on these reports. (The budget vs actual reports in Workday are better suited for drilling into numbers.)
  • Personnel reports are also available to provide information by level (cost center) including position information, employee worktags, salary, FTE, and funding splits.

Office Connect is an Excel Add-In program that is available to Adaptive users to design their own reports with custom layouts. These reports can be refreshed on demand with current information as of that day. To request access to Office Connect, please submit a request permissions ticket by clicking that red box on the right-hand side of the ITS Enterprise Application Services webpage. Office connect training videos are available here.


April 19, 2024: Budget vs Actual reports – new layout

We are pleased to announce the release of a new layout for the budget vs actual reports in Workday, which include the improvements summarized in the Report Changes section below. You will now see a new “Expense Only” version of the budget vs actual report that is similar to the one in Adaptive. The following reports have been updated:

  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Revenue and Expense (new version)
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Expense Only (new report)
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Auxiliary (replaces MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Auxiliary)
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Fund (replaces MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Fund)
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Projects (replaces MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Projects)
  • MSU – Budget vs. Actuals Rollup – Cost Center (replaces MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Cost Center)

Report Changes – all reports: (This new report layout, which was previewed during Office Hours held by the Budget Office, applies to all budget vs actual reports listed above.)

  • The reports have been changed so that positive numbers are the standard for all budget, actuals, and obligations amounts. Subtracting the actuals and obligations from the budget will give you the amount in the Available Budget column. The green checkmark indicates there is available budget and the red X means that line is overbudget.
  • If you expand below the ledger account level, you will see red Xs for spend categories that may not have budget allocated to them. For this reason, it is recommended to begin viewing your budget at the ledger account level, keeping in mind that the budget and actual amounts at this level will be the sum of the amounts in the underlying spend categories. Viewing the budget at this level is also consistent with our new budget model where budget will be allocated only at the ledger account level.
  • The undesignated account (699999) was moved out of the Expense section and into its own section, as the majority of this will be fund balance rollforward amounts for cash-funded programs. However, a small amount of undesignated base budget may also appear in this undesinated account row for general fund programs. The Expenses + Undesignated row was added for convenience.
  • Please note that because new reports had to be created to replace the old version, any saved filters you had will need to be re-created in the new reports.

Report Changes specific to the MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Revenue and Expense report: (This report is typically used by cash-funded auxililaries and projects that are concerned with prior year rollforward and fund balance amounts.)

  • The Prior Year Rollforward Budget has been moved to the revenue section of the report and is highlighted in blue so that it is visible as an available funding source for those auxiliaries and projects that have rollforward balances. The Revenue + Rollforward row was added for the convenience of seeing total resources available to cash-funded programs.
  • The Total Revenue and Total Expense rows relate to revenue and expenses for the current year, and do not include the prior year roll forward or undesignated amounts. If Total Revenue and Total Expense rows are equal to each other in the total budget column, it indicates that planned spending is equal to expected revenue earned for the year. In this case, the Prior Year Rollforward Budget amount under the revenue section will also be equal to the Undesignated Budget under the expense section. To have a truly balanced budget, the Revenue + Rollforward line should equal the Expenses + Undesignated line. Budget amendments can be made to increase or decrease the undesignated amount in order to balance the budget at any time.

The Current Fund Balance row is calculated by summing the amounts in the Prior Year Rollforward Budget line with the Change to Rollforward Fund Balance line.

February 22, 2024: MSU Fund Balance Summary reports

We have temporarily hidden the fund balance summary reports since they currently cannot be used to determine the correct fund balance for cost centers or projects. Until the necessary adjustments can be made, please use the Prior Year Rollforward line in MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Revenue and Expense to identify the beginning FY24 fund balance for budget tracking purposes. An update will be posted in the future when users can access the fund balance summary reports.

February 5, 2024: Beginning Fund Balances 

Beginning fund balance budget entries have been loaded for: 

  • Auxiliaries 
  • Summer revenue 
  • ICRs 
  • Program fees 
  • Capital projects paid from the Plant Fund and Investment in Reserved for Plant Renewal fund. 

This will improve the usefulness of the MSU – Budget vs. Actuals by Ledger Account – Revenue and Expense report in Workday.