Career Events & Opportunities

CPW Logo

From Passion to Profession: Career Opportunities with Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Wednesday, Feb. 26th / 10am-Noon / AES Forum

Hear from CPW professionals and learn insider strategies for applying for CPW jobs.

Register now!
CU Undergrad Research – Environmental Health Sciences Logo

Research/Mentorship In Environmental Health Sciences (Paid)

Applications Due March 1st

Paid year-long research and mentorship opportunity in Environmental Health Sciences at CU Anschutz Medical Campus. Specifically for sophomore to senior undergraduate science majors, with students from first generation, low-income backgrounds preferred.

Check it out!
CU Anshutz – Developing Scholars Logo

Developing Scholars Internship (Paid)

Info Sessions - Jan. 30th and Feb. 12th - 4pm via Zoom

Brings undergraduate scholars to the CU Anschutz Medical Campus for a rewarding 9-week biomedical research internship. Trainees will be paired with a graduate student-professor mentorship team from the Cell Biology, Stem Cells, and Development Graduate Program.

Check it out!
Denver Health Logo

Healthcare Interest Program (HIP)

Applications Due Feb. 25th

The Healthcare Interest Program (HIP) is a Denver Health pathway program that matches college students seeking careers in healthcare with a mentor in their field of interest, gaining 50+ hours of on-the-job shadowing!

Check it out!

University of New Mexico - PREP

Applications due by Feb. 28th

NIH-funded Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) provides upcoming and recent graduates with 1–2 years of paid research experience in your field of interest!

Check It Out!
Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance Logo

Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance Career Expo

March 8th - 9am-Noon - 2300 N. Steele St.

Learn about the variety of careers at the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance. Students will meet professionals in the biological sciences, horticulture, education, marketing, business, hospitality, facilities and sustainability during the career open house and panel discussion.

Register now!

Biology Student Resources

Scholarship Opportunities - Accepting Applications Now!

Reisher Scholars

Applications due March 4th

Genomic Research Experiences for Undergraduates (GREU)

Applications due March 17th

Scholarship Opportunities

Job Search Engines

Sometimes it can be difficult to find jobs related to your biology major. Here are a few different job sites that we have found for students in biology and other related majors.

Department of Biology

Science Building - Room 2042 (SI 2042)

Phone: 303-615-0777

Email: [email protected]