Our MSU Denver students are notoriously busy. Outside of the classroom, many manage their time with work and family, all while keeping up with their studies. Time is precious. To carve out time for something additional outside of these key responsibilities, there needs to be a clear value add. It must be worth it.  

While extracurriculars are just that, extra, you never know where your involvement may lead.  

Accounting Student Organization (ASO) logoThe Accounting Student Organization (ASO) at MSU Denver is an organization run by students for students. The focus is to create a community for accounting students where you can put your networking skills into practice and comfortably connect with fellow peers, faculty, and local accounting professionals. The ASO provides members with countless opportunities to launch or further advance their accounting careers while they are concurrently pursuing their degree. 

accounting undergraduate student headshot - ASO Treasurer, Shyamlee Pringle

“One of the main reasons I think it is important to join the ASO is because it is a fantastic way to network and meet people in the industry. It helps inform students of various job opportunities that will come up once students graduate or internship opportunities while they finish their degree.” – Shyamlee Pringle, ASO Treasurer

Fall 2023 ASO Meeting
Fall 2023 ASO Meeting

Many ASO members and officers secure internships at local accounting firms or other organizations in their junior and senior years, which then may lead to full-time job offers after graduation. Our Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc) students are also prime intern candidates. Those who use this MPAcc degree to transition into an accounting career can pursue an internship to get industry experience and knock out a degree requirement.  

“ASO helped me open doors into the accounting world I would have never been able to achieve in such a short amount of time.” – Jesiah Lopez, ASO Vice President 

Jesiah front and center in this photo with MSU Denver Department of accounting faculty, staff, student leaders, and MPAcc alumni at the 2023 COCPA Gala winning the Battle of the Brains competition
Jesiah with accounting faculty, staff, peers, and alumni at the 2023 COCPA Gala winning the Battle of the Brains competition

ASO at Meet the Firms 2023
ASO officers at the Fall 2023 Meet the Firms event

It is never too early to start looking into potential student organizations of interest to check out and consider becoming a member.

ASO class visit - Stephen & Kevin
Stephen and ASO Secretary, Kevin Roman, presenting about the ASO in an accounting class

Stephen Schab started out as an active member of ASO once he transferred to MSU Denver, then stepped into the Vice President role, and moved his way up to serve as ASO President this academic year. 

I originally heard about the ASO when I was in the process of transferring to MSU Denver from Pueblo Community College. I found the organization while researching ways that I could get involved at the school.” – Stephen Schab, ASO President 

If you are a current accounting student, here is your call to action to make the most of your student experience!  

  • 2023 ASO Banquet
    ASO Faculty Advisor, Amanda “Jo” Erven speaking at the 2023 ASO Banquet

    Check out ASO’s Spring ‘24 meetings planned for Thursday evenings in AD 155. See the complete schedule and further details here.

    • Grab dinner and meet, network, and learn from accounting professionals at local firms, organizations, exam test prep companies, and more!
  • Save the date for the annual ASO Spring Banquet – April 26th. Details to come.
  • Take a look at all the upcoming events for our accounting roadrunner community here.

Thank you ASO officers and ASO faculty advisor for the time and energy you put into creating this community full of opportunities for accounting students. Your work is pivotal in empowering our students to make their MSU Denver experience count!