Plaza Building, Health Center closed due to a water main break.

Dear MSU Denver Faculty,

Thank you for supporting the Writing Center and telling your students about us. Our aim is to help students become better writers, which takes time and practice and may not necessarily result in immediate improvement or higher grades. Please encourage students who use the Writing Center to be patient and persistent.

Writing consultants will typically focus on First-Order Concerns (focus, organization, development, argumentation) before addressing Later-Order Concerns (grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling, usage).

To protect students' privacy, the Writing Center will not confirm whether or not a particular student has received help from our consultants. If you would like to know whether one of your students has been to the Writing Center, you might ask the student to complete a Writing Center Session Reflection Form .

If you want to require an entire class to visit the Writing Center for a specific assignment, or if you want to give (optional) extra credit to students who use the Writing Center, please give us a heads up so we can ensure adequate staffing.

Please let us know how we can better support you and your students.

-- The MSU Denver Writing Center Staff