As some of our current Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc) students are taking a summer term course, we are still in a busy recruitment season as we are nearing our Fall ’24 MPAcc application deadline (Monday, July 15th).
While earlier in the year our efforts we’re predominantly in-person at events across the Auraria campus, in accounting classes, and at graduate program fairs, this summer season we are honing in on more virtual and individual engagement efforts.
This week we hosted 2 virtual MPAcc information sessions, connecting with prospective applicants in an informal forum over their lunch hour or in the evening after work. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with MSU Denver alumni spanning from recent graduates to those who graduated decades ago and are looking to advance professionally or change careers. We also met some prospective future Roadrunners who graduated from other institutions and are considering joining our Accounting Roadrunner Community. We can’t wait to see your complete application soon!
If you’d like to meet 1-on-1 to further discuss your professional goals and see if this graduate program may be a good fit, we’ve got you covered! You can schedule a 1-on-1 in-person or virtual meeting with our MPAcc program leadership here.
Now that we are less than 1 month away from our Fall ’24 MPAcc application deadline, what better time to start your application?! If you have any questions along the way, we are here to help! You can connect with us via email at [email protected].