Thank you to 1,720 students that participated in the COVID-19 Student Impact Survey. This report provides data to better understand the impact COVID-19 has had on the student experience, student’s perception of online learning, student’s response to university communication, likelihood of future enrollment, and the financial impact students may be experiencing.
Results of the survey were shared widely across campus and several changes, mentioned below, have or will be made to address concerns highlighted in the report.
- Several departments are addressing ways to help students manage their time while at home. Tips will be included to address motivation and how to create a study space at home.
- Support for the transition to Canvas will be offered to familiarize students with the software along with all its functions.
- Many departments have committed to utilizing only one conferencing software, such as Microsoft Teams, to limit the amount of software a student may need to use.
- Virtual programming is being created on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, etc., to address students need for resources on mental health, allow for connection to classmates, and will incorporate family members in which students are sharing their space.
- Data from the survey, specific to connectivity, software, and hardware has been added to requests for funding through the Governor’s office.
To see the full results from the survey, COVID-19 Student Impact Report.