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Email from President Davidson
March 6, 2020
Dear Roadrunners,
Late yesterday, state health officials announced two confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Colorado. With that development and the likelihood of more cases to follow, I wanted to provide an update to the Metropolitan State University of Denver community.
As I’ve said often in the past, my top priority is the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. MSU Denver and the Auraria Higher Education Center have been closely monitoring developments around the virus for the last two months.
We continue to work with AHEC leadership, the Health Center at Auraria, and city and state emergency-preparedness personnel to provide our community with the latest information and guidance. We will share regular updates with students, faculty and staff through our standard communications channels: the Early Bird, Runner, Student Hub and social media. The University’s coronavirus website is the central repository for updates and additional resources for the campus community.
Based on the latest information we have, MSU Denver will continue to operate on a normal schedule. Health officials report that there is still a very low risk of exposure to the virus.
That said, MSU Denver is preparing for all possible scenarios. Chief Operating Officer Larry Sampler has convened a campus wide task force so we can be ready to enact a coordinated response as needed. The taskforce includes representatives from multiple University constituent groups, including: Emergency Preparedness; Facilities; the Administration Branch; Academic Affairs; Student Engagement and Wellness; and Strategy, Marketing and Communications, among others. The team also includes the Health Center at Auraria and AHEC.
I want to assure you that we are taking every step possible to respond to the coronavirus threat and to ensure the health and safety of our community. I encourage all our Roadrunners to help us in those efforts by remaining calm, but also by taking precautions to stay healthy.
The Health Center at Auraria recently shared these recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases such as coronavirus:
Additional information in English, Spanish and Chinese is also available on the CDC website. Information specific to our state can be found on the Colorado Department of Health and Environment website.
Please stay tuned for updates as we continue to monitor the latest developments with coronavirus. And thanks for your support in helping to keep our community united, healthy and safe.
Janine Davidson, Ph.D.