Last updated March 27, 2020
On March 27, Metropolitan State University of Denver announced that it would allow students a one-time opportunity to convert letter grades to a Pass/Fail notation for the spring 2020 semester. Below are some frequently asked questions about that process. Stay tuned to this page for additional updates as information becomes available.
How will this process work?
- Professors will grade normally at the end of the term using the ABCDF grade mode. Then, depending on your program and grade received, you can decide to choose a Pass (P) or No credit/Fail (F) instead.
- To take advantage of the P/F notation, a student must contact their faculty member within seven days of when grades post on May 22.
- Students should send an email to their faculty member using the “Request for Pass/Fail Option” form, which is currently being developed. The form will be available on the Student Hub on the MSU Denver website prior to posting date and must be completed and sent before Noon on May 29.
Which letter grades do the P and F notations cover?
- For undergraduate students, the P notation will cover every grade from an A to a C-, with the F notation reserved for all D and F grades.
- For graduate students, the P notation will cover every grade from an A to a B-, with the F notation covering all C, D and F grades.
What do I need to consider before choosing a P or F notation?
- Students should meet with their faculty and/or academic advisors to discuss the pros and cons of this decision, including the potential implications of having a P notation on your transcript in light of licensure and graduate school admissions; prerequisites for other courses; transfer to other institutions; and scholarship requirements.
- For financial aid purposes and Satisfactory Academic Progress, both P and F notations will impact your completion rate; Please talk to your faculty member or advisor.
- P notations elected during the spring 2020 semester will not count toward the maximum allowed in a degree/program/school/college.
How does a P/F notation impact my GPA? Will they count as completed credit hours?
- A Pass notation has no designated GPA and will not count in your overall GPA. A Fail notation will be calculated into your GPA as normal. Both the P and the F notations will impact your completion rate. P notations count as attempted and completed credit hours whereas F notations count as attempted but not completed hours.
Can I change my mind after I’ve completed the process?
- Any decision by a student to take the P/F option will be irrevocable.
Who can I speak to if I have more questions?
- Questions should be directed to your faculty member or academic advisor.
Why did MSU Denver make this decision?
- Because students have dealt with a lot of stress and anxiety this semester already. The hope is to ease some of that anxiety and to provide students with additional flexibility as they navigate their educational path.