Did you know sleep is one of the most important factors for an energized brain, more physical energy, increased motivation and academic success?
In fact, if you are studying for midterms the best approach is to study daily in time-chunks of a few hours, with a good night of sleep in between. Truly!
Late-night cramming does not work. Sleeping strengthens what you have learned, puts it into long-term memory and makes it more accessible for recall when you are sitting for an exam. Furthermore, studying for long periods of time only leads to mental fatigue and burnout.
Instead, take 5- to 10-minute breaks regularly, and do something completely different like take a walk, play with an animal or simply chill. These breaks will make the time you are studying much more effective.
Symptoms of study burnout:
- intellectual exhaustion
- poor memory for what you are studying
- poor time management
- frequent illness
- lack of motivation
- constantly tired
- irritability
- feelings of a depressed mood
- feelings of anxiety
- wanting to numb how you feel
Burnout can result from the many demands that you face, including managing a class-load while also working, taking care of family and engaging in a social life – all at the same time.
Here are some strategies that can help:
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Take regular breaks
- Make time for fun
- Learn to say no
- Set reasonable goals
- Ask for help
- Tell a friend (they’re feeling it, too)
- Relaxation / breathing exercises
Even just a few of these strategies can make a difference. Pick one or two and try them. But also remember to… sleep on it!
If you can’t seem to shake how you’re feeling, you may have a bigger mental health concern. There are resources on campus for you to get through it.
For mental health support, reach out to the MSU Denver Counseling Center. You can call (303) 615-9988 for an appointment or simply walk into our office on the 6th floor of Tivoli.
We are here for you!
— Randal Boldt, Executive Director of Counseling Center