Join the University Policy Dialogue 

Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Policy Advisory Council meets today from 2-3:30 p.m. in Microsoft Teams.  

Up for discussion are proposed president’s policies on: 

  • Discussion: Advances for Externally Funded Projects Policy (new — first read)
    The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research is championing a policy to provide guidance to faculty and staff members who seek advances in funding for grants and research funded by an external organization such as the federal government. 
  • Discussion: Email and Electronic Communications Security Policy (revision — third read)
    Championed by the Office of Information Technology Services, this policy revision clarifies when personal email addresses may be used for official University communications and speaks to auto-forwarding of official MSU Denver email by employees and students to personal email accounts with the goal of protect confidential and sensitive personal information. 
  • Information: University Closure Due to Snow or Other Emergency Policy
    Work will continue over the summer on the proposed University Closure Policy, championed by the offices of University Communications, Academic Affairs, and Finance and Administration. This policy would provide guidance to MSU Denver students, staff members and faculty members on aspects of in-person courses and work settings, remote work and online-course continuation during a late start, early close or full-day campus closure due to weather or another emergency.  

Join on your computer or mobile app

Or call in (audio only)  

+1 720-577-5242,,928212325#   United States, Denver  

Phone Conference ID: 928 212 325#  

Find a Universitywide Policy 

To find Universitywide policies and procedures approved by the MSU Denver Board of Trustees, president and provost, please visit the University Policy Library. 


Serve on the University Policy Advisory Council 

Roadrunners are encouraged to share your energy and expertise on MSU Denver’s Policy Advisory Council, which reviews proposed University policies and makes recommendations to the President’s Cabinet and the the University president for approval. Please contact Megan Jones, policy administrator in the Office of the President, at [email protected] or 303-605-5231 to learn more.