Lace up your sneakers and grab your water bottle because it’s time to join the race and start training for Colfax Marathon Weekend on May 14-15.
An official charity partner since 2018, the Metropolitan State University of Denver Colfax Marathon Team, made up of more than 150 volunteers and runners, has raised close to $5,000 for the Student Emergency Fund. These efforts make it possible for students dealing with unanticipated financial struggles to persist in pursuing their goal of earning a degree at MSU Denver.
You can join the team this year by:
- Choosing MSU Denver as your charity of choice from the drop-down menu when registering for a race (Marathon, Half-Marathon, Urban 10-Miler, Relay or 5K). All registered runners who select the University as their charity will receive a custom MSU Denver Dri-Fit T-shirt.
- Volunteering to staff the MSU Denver water station or table at Charity Partner Village. All volunteers will receive an MSU Denver hat and water bottle.
- Heading over to the Colfax Marathon Charity Partner Program page and picking up some Rowdy MSU Denver gear by making a gift to the Student Emergency Fund.
Do you have a dog joining you during the 5K? Email us at [email protected] to request an MSU Denver doggy bandanna so your pup can show their Roadrunner pride out on the course.
Register soon — preseason pricing ends March 9 at 11:59 p.m. Contact Regan Wells, Alumni Relations coordinator, for more information.