Arrivals and new positions:

Alice McClendon, academic-advising specialist, College of Business 

Andrew Rauch, budget director, Office of Budget 

Anna Mills, adjunct, Human Performance and Sport 

Ashley Butler, marketing manager, Innovative and Lifelong Learning 

Ashley Levesque, transfer-admissions counselor, Admissions 

Benjamin Flebbe, adjunct, Computer Information Systems 

Connor Kloss, care-case manager, Student Care Center 

Greg Park, budget-and-operations manager, College of Aerospace, Computing, Engineering and Design 

Halah Mohammed, academic advisor I, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences 

Jennifer Schwartz, adjunct, Psychology 

Liz Rowland, office manager, University Advancement 

Oliver Wray, interim Lactation Certificate Program coordinator, Nutrition  

Paige Ross, field-education coordinator, Health Care Management 

Rachel Chizever, course developer I, Center for Teaching, Learning and Design 

Sheena Ortiz, recruitment-and-retention specialist, School of Hospitality 

Stephanie Zepelin, associate director of executive communications, University Communications and Marketing 

Susan Sciacca, clinical-compliance coordinator, College of Professional Studies 


Brooke Rohde, administrative and financial-project manager, Social Work 

Elise Rarang, office manager, vice president for Student Affairs 

Katrina Cordova, academic advisor I, College of Professional Studies 

Nat Banda, TRIO Scholar Advisor, TRIO Programs