The Instructional Accessibility Group is excited to announce our new CHATs, Coffee House Accessibility Talks. We invite all faculty, full-time and affiliates, to join us for casual discussion on accessibility and teaching. Please join us for community and learning while we meet our colleagues and help each other expand accessibility. You are welcome to join us even if you can only attend part of the CHAT.

The IAG will buy your first coffee or tea!

Fall 2023: Every other Thursday from 1:30p-2:30p.

  • Thursday 28 September: What is accessibility anyway?
    Location: Library Cafe

    • Who are the IAG and what does the IAG do?
    • How accessibility benefits everyone
    • Proactive Accessibility
  • Thursday 12 October:  Email and Flyer accessibility.
    Location: Library Cafe

    • Color contrast
    • Different perspectives
    • Graphics in signatures
  • Thursday 26 October: Choosing Accessible multimedia.
    Location: Library Cafe

    • Captions and transcripts
    • Audio descriptions
    • Accessible media players
  • CANCELLED Thursday 9 November: Writing Accessible Learning Objectives.
    Location: TBD

    • Vary the method of response and navigation
  • Thursday 7 December: Neurodiversity.
    Location: Library Cafe

    • Where is your consciousness in your body?
    • To disclose or not disclose, or do we even know?

Interior of Auraria Library Cafe