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As an institution of higher education, MSU Denver may exercise its community and thought leadership by issuing institutional messages, or official University/presidential public statements, for matters of direct impact to the MSU Denver community or matters affecting the ability of the University to fulfill its mission. In alignment with the recommendations of the Kalven Committee, these may include local, regional, national or international events, activities or issues with direct implications for MSU Denver.
University presidents are often called upon to make statements about pressing social or political issues. MSU Denver adheres to the philosophy that a university’s purpose is to teach students how to think, not what to think. The University therefore does not speak; it rather exists to further the dissemination of knowledge. Its neutrality arises out of respect for free inquiry and the obligation to cherish a diversity of viewpoints. The University uses a specific model when deciding to make official statements. For these reasons, you will rarely see the University president make a statement on a matter of public or political concern.
Official MSU Denver statements should foster fact-based dialogue, support students and employees, and/or educate our community and decision makers.
This decision model is intended to assist in the development and dissemination of public statements. Some criteria are mandatory, others discretionary, but in all cases, should be applied with prudence.
In the case of matters not directly related to core tenets, the University and President should consider remaining neutral and promoting reasoned analysis and debate.