Theory Loves Practice

Theory Loves Practice (TLP) is an MSU Denver sponsored research group that brings art educators together monthly to cultivate contemporary arts practices in their classrooms. Meet art educators, share best practices, learn about CVA exhibitions, network, hang out, have fun and build community. Theory Loves Practice participants receive professional development relevant to their classroom experience from professionals in their field. Whether you are a first-year teacher or a seasoned educator, you will be inspired, learn something new, mentor others, and be mentored.

Interested in getting involved? Contact CVA’s Education Manager, Katie Taft at [email protected].


CVA Teaching Apprenticeship

CVA is a learning lab for future art educators where guests, students, and teaching apprentices can all learn from each other. Many of our programs, including our after-school classes, are led by student teaching apprentices hired from MSU Denver’s Art Education program. Teaching apprentices are fluent in a variety of media and are mentored by CVA’s Education Manager.

Interested in becoming a CVA Teaching Apprentice? Check the MSU Denver Student Employment Hub for open positions.