

May 21 – July 17, 2021

A juried exhibition of the best artwork by graduates of MSU Denver, Reconnect celebrated a multi-generational selection of alumni whose work ranges across painting, printmaking, photography, metalsmithing, sculpture, ceramics, and multi-media installations. This exhibition juxtaposed emerging and established artists, whose academic foundations are rooted at the Metropolitan State University of Denver and whose diverse ideas and practices have charted ambitious trajectories and created dynamic experiences. In this exhibition, CVA honored the artistic work and careers of MSU Denver alumni and created an inspirational connection between generations of MSU Denver alumni and current students.


Reconnect was juried by Carlos Frésquez, Zoe Larkins, and Natascha Seideneck and organized by the Center for Visual Art.

Juror Statements

I typically begin my selection process with an initial response to originality in visual expression combined with a strong concept and skillful use of medium, color, and composition. I was impressed by the works with high aesthetic quality and in-depth content. Some works, having thought-provoking conceptual orientations, inspire more critical thinking. Ultimately, when reviewing the submitted works, my main criteria was, does the work make me feel something? – Carlos Frésquez


“It is great to see the caliber and diversity of work being made in Denver and, in particular, by artists trained in Denver. I believe that great educational institutions are the most essential element of a dynamic art scene. Denver is lucky to have several, among them MSU Denver. It speaks to the quality of the art programs there and to CVA’s role in the community that so many talented artists submitted work to this year’s alumni show.” – Zoe Larkin


As alumni and now faculty at MSU Denver, it was particularly exciting to review the numerous submissions reflecting many mediums and styles and representative of generations of MSU Denver students. Judging art is hard. Art is subjective as we have our own perspectives and experiences that we apply to determining what we like. I can appreciate aspects of art on a purely aesthetic level; however, I consider art to be more powerful when there is intention. As I was selecting artwork for this exhibition, I focused on content combined with strong technical skill and personal style.  – Natascha Seideneck

Artists in the Exhibition

Deidre Adams,

Janelle W. Anderson

Zach Armijo

Ariella Asher

Conor Baldry

Phillip Bernal

Troy Bunch

Jessica Carey

Mary Cay

Evan Colbert

Benjamin Coleman

Daisy Corso

Christine Dawson

Leah Diament

Valerie R. Dillon

Chapin Dimond

Heather Doyle-Maier

Jenifer Erickson

Lindsey Scot Ernst

Javier Flores

Virginia Folkestad

Michelle Franco

Ashley Frazier

Mark Friday

Daniela Garza


Jennifer Ghormley

Jason Lee Gimbel

Anna Goss

Kathleen J. Graves

Erica Green

Jeane Michelle Warner Green

Charlene Harlow

Xander Hirsch

Katie Hoffman

Ram Jillo

Niza Knoll

Melissa Laugen

Josiah Lee Lopez

Skyler McGee

Tommy McLaughlin

Erin Mulrooney

Joshua Pass

Meghan Pohlod

Melissa Renaud

Brian Rendon

Dave Seiler

Bill Starke

Peter Stevinson

Lucas Thomas

Mario Zoots