Dear Roadrunners, 

Election season seems to begin earlier and earlier with each cycle. While November is still three months away, it seems like a good time to revisit Metropolitan State University of Denver policies related to political action and advocacy.  


University Political Activity and Lobbying Policy 

MSU Denver is proud of its reputation for and tradition of civic engagement. This policy provides guidance to MSU Denver employees, including student employees, who engage in political activity or lobbying. Broadly, the policy recognizes employees’ First Amendment rights to engage in political activity, which can include: 

  • Advocating for the election or defeat of a candidate or ballot issue. 
  • Soliciting or making contributions (including in-kind) to candidates or political committees. 
  • Making direct or indirect donations to independent expenditure committees or other political organizations. 
  • Making contributions to committees or associations in support of any state or local ballot issue. This could include donations of time spent stuffing envelopes, preparing campaign literature, contacting electors, etc. 

While the University encourages political engagement, the institution and its employees must comply with federal and state laws that prohibit engaging in political activity while at work. Additionally, employees cannot use University resources such as offices, phones, tablets, computers, email, copy machines, etc., for lobbying or political activities. 

Employees acting on their own time and not using MSU Denver resources do not face any restrictions. For more details, please read the full Political Activity and Lobbying Policy. 

MSU Denver is committed to inspiring civic engagement among our campus community, and we want to ensure that you have the information and guidelines to do so productively. Watch for more information on how to engage and support productive activism on campus.  


Renovated classroom with orange chairs.West and Central Classroom reoccupancy on track for Aug. 12 

The Auraria Higher Education Center’s Project B is on schedule for West Classroom and Central Classroom, and badge access will be reinstated Aug. 12 for occupancy.  

  • Contractors will be in the buildings the week of Aug. 12 to complete mechanical-system testing. 
  • A few ceiling tiles may be down but will be replaced by Aug. 19 for the return of students. 
  • Ceiling tile marked with caution tapeDo not pull on or remove caution tape attached to the ceiling. This tape helps the contractor identify specific parts of the mechanical system that will be tested. 
  • All caution tape will be removed by the contractor prior to Aug. 19.
  • Contractors will be present after hours beginning Aug. 19 through the next six to eight weeks to test the new mechanical systems. Contractors are responsible for working around all night classes and will not impact normal building operations. 

Additionally, during the weeks of Aug. 12 and Aug. 19, MSU Denver will have team members on site to assist with questions/requests. It is our intent to address items quickly so everyone can get back to normal as soon as possible. 

Please submit any project-specific questions or feedback to Martha Nelson, senior project manager for Facilities Planning, Design and Construction. 

Convocation and Welcome Week volunteering deadline is today

Employees, programs and departments are encouraged to participate in Convocation on Aug. 15 and Fall Welcome Week from Aug. 19-22. These events are important community-building traditions and a great way to help new and returning students feel welcomed, supported and excited to begin their semester. 

Roles include assisting with wayfinding, check-in and cleanup, directing the food line and more. Volunteers can choose their shift location and time.  

Quick links and reminders 

Some seasonal tips

  • Ensure that your ID badge is up to date before the beginning of the new semester and carry it at all times when on campus.
  • Learn how to submit a work order.   
  • Visit the Furniture Exchange site or the office-supply reuse area in the third-floor lobby area of the Jordan Student Success Building to help reduce waste and outfit your space.   
  • Keep blinds closed to help cool buildings. 

Thank you all for reading and for helping make MSU Denver a great place to work and learn. 

Larry Sampler