Full-time, non-classified employees will receive a one-time stipend of $800 this fall, Metropolitan State University of Denver President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., announced last week. 

For most employees, the lump sum payment will show up in October paychecks, Davidson said during her annual Welcome Back address, in which she praised employees for their work in boosting enrollment and flattening the curve on retention. 

As of last week, fall enrollment was up 1.48%. 

“We stopped the drop,” Davidson said. “This shows what we can do when we work together to achieve our goals.” 

The October stipend comes after the MSU Denver Board of Trustees in June approved an across-the-board 4% pay raise for faculty and non-classified staff members. Then, President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., committed to an additional stipend of up to 1% should student enrollment and retention exceed budget projections. 

Davidson said the University will continue to make investments in employees a top priority, as MSU Denver doubles down on student success and preparing graduates for the workforce. 

“We will align our systems, processes, policies, and incentive structures toward our number one focus: student success. We will reaffirm and continuously track our bold goals for completion, enrollment and post-graduate success,” she said. “And, most urgently, we will all focus like a laser on student retention.” 

Stipend details 

All full-time non-classified employees will receive the full $800 stipend. Employees with a less than full-time position will be eligible for a prorated amount. 

Adjunct faculty – Adjunct faculty members can receive up to a maximum of $800 that will be paid out in December and/or May. They will be paid per credit hour taught, up to a maximum of $800.  

Classified employees – Classified employees will not be receiving a stipend. They are compensated through a different process and received a state-mandated 5% increase in July, while non-classified staff received a board-approved 4% increase. 

Student and hourly employees – As these employees’ pay rate is tied to the City and County of Denver minimum wage rate, which is increasing by more than 5% on Jan. 1, 2024, to $18.29, those employees will not be receiving a stipend. 

Employees who would like additional information can contact their branch’s assigned senior Human Resources partner.