Dear Roadrunners, 

I want to start by reminding you all that performance evaluations must be completed by Sunday evening, so schedule some time today or Friday to get them in before the weekend. 

Also, as you all are taking your much-deserved vacations this summer, please use these tips to keep our campus beautiful and our buildings clean and efficient: 

  • Close your blinds to help minimize heat load.  
  • Shut off and/or unplug lights, computers and electronics.  
  • Clean up and remove all food items.  
  • Have a plan for your plants. 

Now on to more Facilities updates and reminders. 

Campus Framework Plan approved

Following months of engagement with Auraria Campus employees and students as well community members, the Auraria Board of Directors approved the new Campus Framework Plan on Wednesday. Formerly known as the Auraria Campus Master Plan, the framework plan outlines the long-term vision for the physical environment of the campus and establishes overall goals, objectives and design principles that serve as guidelines for future growth. I encourage you to read the plan, which includes six Big Ideas related to the development of a Learning Loop Roadway System, better downtown integration, higher-density development, investing in public spaces, celebrating historical connections and ensuring collaborative planning.  

Sim Labs/Project B construction on target 

Construction on the Sim Labs and Project B is moving along as scheduled, and all occupants will return to normal work in West and Central Classrooms beginning Aug. 12. While this date is determined by the completion of the Auraria Higher Education Center’s Project B, it is also driven by final construction sign-off by the Denver Fire Department and approval of building occupancy. AHEC, MSU Denver Facilities and Information Technology Services staff are working closely to ensure that all teams that require support in the move-back effort are scheduled for their move between July 22 and Aug. 9. Please visit the project SharePoint page to ensure that your team is listed on the move-back calendar if support is required. Additionally, other details surrounding testing, ITS support for users who took equipment home, general support during the week of Aug. 12 and communication are listed on this page. 


Submit a work order to ensure that issues are quickly addressed 

When there is a facilities issue on campus, we appreciate employees proactively submitting work orders so problems can be addressed quickly. Employees can submit work orders online through the AHEC website or the MSU Denver Facilities website.  

If you identify a facilities-related emergency, such as a gas leak, water leak or mechanical failure, please contact AHEC Facilities Services at 303-556-3260 or MSU Denver Facilities at 303-615-1699 during business hours. After hours, AHEC Facilities can be contacted through the Auraria Campus Police Department at 303-556-5000.    

Administration Building network receives an upgrade 

Lastly, thank you to the hardworking ITS team for the successful completion of the partial network upgrade in the Administration Building. As of Monday, the building is now fully operational with improved wired and wireless internet, and phones are working perfectly. This partial upgrade was strategically planned to minimize disruption to campus operations while enhancing the faculty, staff and student working and learning experiences with more reliable and faster Wi-Fi. These benefits will be fully realized when the team can replace switches during Fall Break. A much longer outage and closure will be necessary for that phase, and details will be available closer to fall.   

If you experience any issues with the network, please submit a ticket on the ITS website by selecting Service Catalog > Network and Wireless. More details will be available about the rest of the upgrade, most likely over Fall Break in November. 

Additional reminders: 

Thank you all for the work you do to make MSU Denver a great place to be. 


Larry Sampler, chief operating officer and vice president for Administration